8 Best Evergreen Plants For Privacy From Neighbors

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In this guide, you will find the best evergreen plants for privacy from neighbors. Over time, many homeowners (passionate gardeners) have embraced the fact that fences are not all it takes to secure their homes.

Does this mean you can keep prying eyes away from your home without a concrete or wooden fence? What do you think?

Well, there are plants you can grow and have them increase the privacy in your home. Of course, it is preferable because it is more than just budget-friendly. It is therapeutic too!

However, it only requires some level of attention and works to get the plant to do its job, increasing privacy from neighbors.

Let’s find out about these plants now.

Why Evergreen Plants?

Leyland cypress, American Holly, thuja, boxwood, cherry Laurel, clumping bamboo, star jasmine, and lady’s palm are among many other evergreen plants that would stand as privacy from neighbors.

If you are wondering why it is an evergreen plant, how about other plants? Then it would help if you learned this. When scavenging for plants with all your favorite qualities, there are many plants to choose from.

However, we trust evergreen plants would do justice to offering you a heightened level of privacy in your home.

Evergreen plants are relatively easy to maintain. They keep their foliage throughout the year, unlike other plants that shed their leaves. Consequently, increasing the effort needed to care for and keep your home clean.

Evergreen plants have varieties of foliage, which could be grey or blue. So you shouldn’t always expect the foliage of the plants to be green.

Often, many plants reward your home with flowers and some scents when you grow them in your home or garden, whether you use them as privacy or want to beautify your home.

So, are you ready to have some evergreen plants in your home? Well, let’s learn about evergreen plants for privacy from neighbors.

See Also: Tall Outdoor Potted Plants For Privacy

Evergreen Plants For Privacy From Neighbors

1. Euonymus (Euonymus europaeus)

Let’s say you would want to settle for a plant that is not attractive but still offers privacy from neighbors, and then you can settle for Euonymus.

A family of staff trees (Celastraceae), Euonymus is a genus of about 130 shrubs, woody climbers, and small trees native to temperate Asia, North America, and Europe.

Several shrubs and ground covers in this genus are favored for their vibrant fall foliage, making them popular landscape ornaments.

You have no course to worry about because euonymus plants are easy to grow and do not grow into other people’s homes.

You can learn about the best euonymus plants that you can start with. Most of these are attractive if you search deeply for the one that soothes your desires.

Burning bush, Japanese, is a great place to start if you look forward to growing the plant. Most of the species grow medium to fast (13 to 24 inches per year), except for Eralatus.

It doesn’t take a toll to care for this plant. You would only have to learn the easiest way to care for Euonymus. Prune the plant when needed, so you can help the plant shed unwanted foliage or dead-head other parts that can threaten the plant.

2. Clumping bamboo (Bambusa spp)

The two most popular bamboo are running bamboo and clumping bamboo. However, the one that is more desirable and has a greater chance of giving your yard that screen that it needs is the clumping bamboo.

The clumping bamboos have great rhizomes that are less likely to spread rapidly and further away from the main plant.

Before planting clumping bamboo, you must check your environment and be sure that it will accommodate the plant. You must also look out for the plant, so you are sure you are exposing your plant to the right temperature.

Clumping bamboo has less tendency to survive in cool winters. So, it would require full sun exposure and warm temperatures, whereas others are more likely to tolerate seasonal changes and partial exposure.

Another bamboo you can try is the Seabreeze bamboo (Bambusa malingensis), and like the clumping bamboo, it is non-invasive and offers your yard the privacy it needs. If you want to get the best of it, you can cultivate them in rows to take the place of a fence.

3. Leyland cypress tree (cupressus× Leylandis)

There are a good number of varieties in cypress trees. Amongst others are the Nootka cypress and the Monterey cypress. However, you can go to Leyland cypress if you want the most stunning hybrid. Most gardeners would prefer it because of its ability to grow quickly.

If you can care for the plant, this evergreen plant will reward your effort with mature length even in a year. If you are lucky to end up with the tallest specimen, the plant will grow up to 131 feet.

Leyland can provide thick shade, and this makes it excellent for privacy from neighbors. The Leyland cypress tree makes an excellent border for many country estates and expansive open land areas.

Little wonder it is not recommended for small properties. This evergreen plant grows around 15 feet (4. 6 meters)

When you want to plant this tree, plant it in the fall. They will reward your efforts and develop mature trees in just a few seasons.

If for any reason you want to grow your plant in a container, then you may plant it in the late winter too early spring. All these will contribute to making a great screen for your home. However, caring for your plant gives it extra strength to do more.

4. American Holly

Looking for a hedge for your home can be simple. And you shouldn’t always settle for the traditional fence, either made of wood or concrete. American Holly is another evergreen plant. You can plant as privacy from neighbors.

This evergreen shrub can add some ecstasy to your home while safeguarding it from eyes that wander. It is mostly referred to as the Christmas Holly, with glossy green, spring leaves, and bright red berries.

American Holly doesn’t require much of it to do well anytime you decide to plant it. The evergreen plant does well in moist, acidic, well-drained soil, with a pH between 3.5-6.0. it is most likely to perform at its best when you leave it partly in shade locations.

Now, if you need to plant American Holly for a screen, plant it about 5 feet apart in a prepared hole.

5. Boxwood tree (Buxus spp)

Another evergreen plant for privacy from neighbors that you shouldn’t hesitate to try out is the boxwood tree. There are several species of boxwood, so you have many options to choose from.

Boxwood tree is safe for anyone who has not had experience growing evergreen plants. This is because it is relatively easy to grow. You can easily shape it to your taste and prune it when necessary.

Boxwood plant does great as landscape plant; however, you can transform them into any shape.

Now that you are ready to plant or grow them as a perfect hedge for your home, start with young specimens. If you want to get the best out of this, you can make lines to plant them in a row and orderly too.

Ensure you give enough room for each row to grow properly yet well planted so that it makes up the fence you intended for it to be.

6. Lilac

Lilac is an admirable Eurasian shrub from a loving family. Planting lilac in or around your home graces your garden with an interesting fragrance.

And be rest assured that your garden will ooze with so much goodness because lilac possesses several unique colors; white, violet, or pink.

So, you have a good number of options to choose from. Many species are different; you can easily note them because of their heart-shaped bright green leaves and lilac-colored spring blooms.

Lilac is a great flowering plant that would grow well if you leave enough space for it to grow. This is for its roots to shoot and expand to their full potential.

If you intend to grow lilacs as a good hedge and a means of privacy from neighbors, then you should learn how to grow lilacs and the tips on caring for the lilac plant.

7. Hicks yew (Taxus × media Hicksii)

Here’s an exceptional evergreen plant for tall hedges. You can kiss the invasion of privacy goodbye if you have Hicks yew planted around your home. Hicks yew is known for its ability to offer tall hedges and private screens for the homes it is planted in.

But there’s one thing, hicks yew is not a fast-growing shrub. It would take a long time to grow and protect your home. However, when it sure grows, it forms a perfect hedge.

So, if you are a homeowner and want an evergreen plant for privacy from neighbors, you might want to consider hicks yew.

8. Arborvitae

Scientifically referred to as thuja occidentalis, arborvitae is a good evergreen plant you can grow in your home. Unlike hicks yew, arborvitae is a fast-growing evergreen plant that would reward your home with the hedge you need against the invasion of privacy.

Another interesting thing about arborvitae is that it doesn’t require all your attention for it to thrive. Simply put, it is a low-maintenance evergreen plant.

If you care for the plant, it will produce dense foliage while forming the ideal fence your home needs.

How long does the arborvitae plant grow? Although it would take 10 to 15 years for the plant to reach maturity, growing up to 10 to 15 feet, once the plant is established, they usually grow about 6 to 9 inches a year.


There are a good number of evergreen plants that you can grow, and it makes up a hedge in your home.

In this guide, we revealed the evergreen plant for privacy from neighbors. So, if you have decided not to use the conventional fence we all settle for, whether concrete or wood, you have evergreen plants that would serve as a fence in your home.

Whether you settle for clumping bamboo, hicks yew, or even lilac, you are sure to safeguard your home from invasion.

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