12 Different Types Of Boxwood Shrubs (With Photos)

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A boxwood shrub has a timeless aesthetic appeal that goes perfectly with any home, whether used as a room divider or door wreath. These plants elevate any space, whether it is interior or exterior.

Now that you have realized how perfect it would be to have boxwood in your garden, you shouldn’t hesitate to explore the types of boxwood shrubs. At least this gives you a quick snippet into what you can tailor your desires to.

If you are patient enough, you will learn a bit about these types of boxwood shrubs in this guide.

But before then, let’s learn about boxwood shrubs.

Facts About Boxwood Shrubs

Boxwoods are plants in the Buxaceae (order Buxales) family, primarily known for their ornamental and functional characteristics.

Native to North America, Europe, North Africa, and Asia, the boxwood family includes five genera of trees, shrubs, and herbs. The flowers are usually small, unisexual, and without petals.

Although the characteristics seem like they could be more spectacular, boxwood is a great plant that many gardeners or homeowners use to form hedges in their homes or improve their pathways.

Above all, the plant is easy to grow and can even for people with zero experience growing plants. All they need is tips for growing boxwood shrubs.

There are always many things to take into consideration before growing boxwood.

For starters, It is important to plant boxwoods in the spot most suitable for their needs. For this specimen to grow optimistically, it requires full or partial sun. Boxwoods require well-draining soil, and although they prefer organic soil, their soil needs can be adaptable.

Boxes should be planted in a protected area to prevent winter bronzing. Plant them at the same depth that they were planted at the nursery. Boxwood planted too deeply may die.

Now that you are ready to grow boxwood let’s discover the types of boxwood shrubs.

See Also: Fast Growing Shrubs With Thorns

Types Of Boxwood Shrubs

Note: Many boxwood shrubs are susceptible to fungal diseases or disease infestation. The most notable of them is boxwood blight, so you must choose boxwood shrubs that are less susceptible to the fungal disease.

Fret not anyways; we will help you filter them now!

1. English Boxwoods

One of the types of boxwood that you should feel free to have in your garden or around your home is English boxwood.

Due to their small stature, English boxwoods are known as dwarf shrubs. They have fresh-looking, light green leaves that add an appealing charm to them.

They are well known for their slanted growth and rounded shape too. They are common in aristocratic lands and important landscapes for many gardeners.

If you are looking forward to elevating your garden with just a few tweaks, then you should try English boxwood. Although this plant is slow-growing, it is a go-to for homeowners who want privacy.

The ideal soil for growth is loamy, and the plant would thrive well in full sun to partial shade. And with just a little care, it would do well.

2. American Boxwood

If you are still looking for low-maintenance boxwood shrubs, you just found one!

American boxwood is easy to maintain, and this dark green, glossy, evergreen shrub, also known as Buxus Sempervirens or Common Boxwood, would reward your garden with admirable beauty.

American Boxwood is a popular plant in cooler, northern regions that can withstand cold weather and pest and disease resistance.

Usually reaching 10 feet in height, some older plants can grow up to 20 feet. Some varieties include Dee Runk Boxwood and Fastigiata Boxwood.

3. Fastigiata Boxwood

Similarly to the Dee Runk boxwoods, Fastigiata boxwood bears dark green foliage that tends to shimmer. Their leaves are oval, but the shape is not as distinct as that of the Dee Runk boxwoods.

The shape of Fastigiata boxwoods may vary. Their trilateral shape can sometimes change to become an amorphous structure, although they may seem trilateral.

Do you wish to grow fastigiata boxwood?

To grow Fastigiata boxwood, you need sunny, partly sunny locations. A sheltered, somewhat shady location will provide better protection for the foliage. Although they tolerate a strict soil moisture level, they can adapt well to either slightly acidic or alkaline soils.

So go ahead and make this plant your own!

4. Dee Runk Boxwood

There are several types of boxwoods, but Dee Runk Boxwoods belong to the American boxwood family. They are deep green, with pointed growth, and have oval leaves similar to the English boxwoods.

If you need more space to plant your shrubs, these different types of boxwoods might be a great choice.

If you live in a cooler climate, you can grow the Dee Runk Boxwood in full sun and grow it in partial shade. The boxwood will also thrive in full shade, but its growth will be thinner, more open, and more attractive. One of the boxwood’s virtues is its ability to grow in almost any soil.

5. Japanese Boxwood

Another type of boxwood shrub is Japanese boxwood.

The Japanese boxwood shrubs are preferred by many for their ability to enhance the beauty of their establishments, despite their slow growth.

They are commonly used to complement larger boxwoods because of their small size and attractive shape. They appear very similar to regular trees, with their roots peeking out. Their appearance is similar to that of regular trees.

Japanese is going to make a good screen for your home. And like other boxwood, it requires just a little attention to grow well.

6. Glencoe Boxwood

In addition to being relatively short, Glencoe boxwood grows at a slow rate of 1 to 2 inches per year, making it an attractive option for those who are reluctant to prune.

One of the most resilient shrubs in cold weather is the Glencoe boxwood. In the summer, you will need to water these boxwood shrubs frequently to ensure they are properly cared for. They also produce white flowers in minute numbers.

Just plant Glencoe boxwood correctly, and leave it in the sunlight for 6 to 8 hrs. Don’t worry about the soil. This plant can grow in any soil. However, ensure it is well-drained soil.

7. Green Beauty Boxwood

There are a lot of boxwood shrub varieties that are cold-resistant, but here’s one that is heat-resistant and humidity-tolerant.

Usually, these shrubs are grown in pots or used in decorative mazes in areas where rainfall isn’t frequent. You have to provide them with ample sunlight to help them grow properly. Partial shade will work, too, but it could be better for the plant’s full growth.

Green beauty boxwood is known for its dark foliage and how well it blends with walls. Little wonder, people would always prefer it to many other boxwoods.

8. Vardar Valley Boxwood

Photo by David J. Stang via Wikimedia

Vardar valley boxwood is also from the family of American boxwood. Known for its small size compared to other types of American boxwood.

These shrubs usually grow in mountainous areas, hence the name “Vardar Valley.” It is unusual for country homes to plant these shrubs.

The small size allows you to prune it with little change in shape if you use the right scissors, but because it is not as cold-resistant as other American boxwood varieties, pruning should take place in spring.

9. Morris Midget Boxwood

Photo by Mike via Flickr

There are a few reasons to consider Morris Midgets for your office, alleyway, or garden. They are often planted to complement a bigger, flowering plant.

It requires regular watering, whether it is in a pot or your garden. Full to partial sunlight is suitable for this shrub. Due to its thicker leaves, pruning it can be tricky. Gardeners usually prune these shrubs only when they need to.

 10. Green Gem Boxwood

A popular hybrid boxwood shrub, Green Gem Boxwood is a type of boxwood shrub that you can proudly grow in your home. 

Their roots need more depth. They are best grown separately. They may be hindered in their growth if planted with companion plants.

The hybrid varieties of boxwood have larger leaves than the Japanese or Korean varieties. As they are naturally rounded in shape, they require little pruning.

11. Morris Dwarf Boxwood

Photo by Mike via Flickr

In the winter, the color of the foliage deepens up a bit. It then reverts to its original color in the spring. The Morris Dwarf boxwood shrub has an interesting structure containing sensitive and hardy areas.

If you plant it, you won’t have to clip it often. Despite being abundant in rainforests and tropical forests, don’t be surprised if you spot them in dumping areas! It requires organically rich areas for it to grow.

12. Korean Boxwood 

The Korean variety of boxwood bushes is the only one that divides into branches when it reaches a mature stage.

The shrubs can only grow up to 2 feet in height, but their branching system resembles that of a tree. Because of their spread-out branching, shrubs that grow outside take up a lot of space when the branching begins. These boxwoods blossom in the spring.

See Also: Types Of Snowball Bushes


If you have been looking for ways to plant boxwood shrubs but have yet to decide the one to settle for, then you will most likely end up with just any boxwood shrubs.

However, if you need to be intentional, our guide has provided you with types of boxwood shrubs you can grow in your garden or around your home.

Whether you use it as a hedge or simply want to beautify your home, you can always go right with all of them.