Is Orange Rocket Barberry Evergreen? 

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Barberries are dazzling foliage that can be green in one climate and a blissful combination of red, orange, and yellow in others. These plants also produce either purple or red berries when left to thrive the usual way in the sun. But is orange rocket barberry evergreen?

Yes, orange rocket barberry plants are evergreen and deciduous; while some have thorns, others do not. Some species of these plants are considered invasive in some areas as these plants are native to north and south America and Asia.

Apart from that, certain non-native species are available in Africa, Europe, and North America.

Is Orange Rocket Barberry Evergreen Plant?

Yes, orange rocket barberry is evergreen, meaning its foliage remains green and functional for more than one season. Since the orange rocket barberry plant can retain its foliage all through the season to the next growing season, it can be said to be evergreen.

Most orange rocket barberry plants do not grow very tall, but it depends on the variety you’re getting. While the orange rocket barberry is mostly an evergreen plant, others are deciduous. While some have thorns and are invasive, others do not, so you have to put all these into consideration before planting.

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How Do I Propagate My Orange Rocket Barberry?

There is more than one way to propagate your orange rocket barberry plants. Some ways you can propagate these plants are:


If you choose to propagate by seeds, then the issue is that you can plant anytime in the year as long as the ground is not cold or frozen. However, if you are planting outdoors, the fall would be the best time to plant your orange rocket barberries, germinating into the mid-spring. 

If you are planting orange rocket barberry at any other time apart from the spring, then ensure that you place your seeds in a refrigerator for about six to eight weeks before then; that should be when you are planting indoors.

After six weeks, you should ensure that you use the correct type of soil by mixing equal amounts of perlite, compost, and then vermiculate in a standard food tray. 

From Cuttings 

You can also plant your orange rocket barberry from its stem cuttings in the early spring. You can use your pruning tools for the stem cuttings, so ensure that you disinfect your pruning tools before then to prevent the spread of diseases. Then, you take a four to six inches cutting. 

You should strip any leaves or buds that attach to the lower third part of the cutting and then dip the end into powdered root hormone. After that, you can insert the cut end into a tray filled with a sterile growing medium moistened with water for about two to three inches deep.


Transplanting is a standard method among seedlings or potted nursery plants for them to able to have enough space to germinate further. But, first, you should dig a hole that is at least three times bigger than its present container. 

You can mix in some organic matter and soil to improve your soil’s fertility and make it porous enough to improve its drainage ability.

So, when you remove the plant from the container you initially planted it in, it doesn’t hinder the growth of the root in the new soil and ensures that you always transplant the plant with a ball of dirt around its roots. 

After transplanting, ensure that you want enough, so the plant has the required nutrients to grow healthy; you can now reduce the watering rate of the plant when it grows bigger. 

Orange Rocket Barberry Growth Needs

For your plant to grow correctly, ensure that you plant it in full to partial soil, moist and drain the oil, and also mulch adequately. Ensure that you create a little hole underneath your pot; if you are going to be planting in a flower pot so that excess water would be able to drain out from the pot.

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Pruning Practices for Orange Rocket Barberry

In most cases, you would not even need to prune your barberry plants because it already grows into a particular shape and doesn’t necessarily need pruning.

However, if you want to achieve a specific different shape, ensure that you prune with care, and you shouldn’t do this too much. You can prune either once or twice a year. 

Some unique species and cultivars of the orange rocket barberry include; 

  • Common barberry
  • Japanese barberry
  • Wintergreen barberry
  • Mentor barberry

Some common pests that affect these plants are:

  • Barberry aphids
  • Weevils
  • Barberry webworms
  • Japanese weevils

Some of the diseases include:

  • Anthracnose
  • Rust
  • Wilts