Will Salt Damage PVC Pipes? (Detailed Explanation)

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Before plumbing, you need to check on the type of pipe you will be using and also know the type of water supplied to you. Water pipes are made of different materials, each of which can withstand certain factors. 

If you are a homeowner and choose to install PVC pipes around your home, you should consider whether saltwater is good on PVC pipes. But will salt damage PVC pipes?

Well, salt water does not damage PVC pipes in any way, so you do not have to worry about corrosion. 

This article will discuss the relationship between salt and PVC pipes and the things to avoid when installing your PVC pipes based on your area’s water supply type.

Will Salt Damage PVC Pipes? 

PVC pipes are resistant to salt based on the material used to produce them. There are several other substances that PVC materials are resistant to, including several alcohols, fats, and even free petrol. 

Salts can even be used to unclog PVC pipes, so they cannot harm them. 

In some other types of pipes, salt can cause corrosion, which then reduces the strength of the pipes, causing them to be unable to hold certain water pressure for a long period. When this happens, there is a very high chance that your pipe will break or burst in the nearest future. 

In summary, it all depends on the material you use for your pipes to know if it is prone to corrosion from salt or not. Copper pipes are more vulnerable to corrosion when exposed to salt water. 

When the copper material reaches the salt, it begins to change the structure of the material used. Some materials like galvanized steel and cast iron can react with salt, but the effect is not as much as it is with copper.

See Also: Is Epsom Salt Safe For Septic Systems?

What Are Some Signs Of Corrosion I Should Look Out For? 

As we stated earlier, the signs of corrosion also depend on the type of material used to make your pipe. If you use copper pipes, you will notice that these pipes would start to turn greenish blue, and with time, the pipes start to get worse and even brittle. 

If you do not change your copper pipe early enough, it will start to flake and peel off, and eventually, the pipe will burst. 

It is easier to identify when your pipes are corroded if you use a steel or iron pipe. In this case, when you get water from your faucet, you will notice a red or yellowish tint in your water.

Doing this may not be too obvious in running water, but it is noticeable when you get your water in a cup. 

It is not 100% guaranteed that all these are signs of corrosion or reaction with salt water. So, all you have to do is get in contact with a plumber so he can check out the issue. 

What Can Damage PVC Pipes? 

Several factors can damage your PVC pipes and eventually reduce their life span. Some of these factors include; 

1. Exposing Your Pipes to Debris and Erosion 

Before installing your PVC pipes, check where the pipes can be laid properly for sharp objects, debris, dirt, or any other factor that will likely affect them. 

The best thing for you to do is pad the area with sand. This way, there would be a barrier between the pipes and every other sharp object most likely to puncture the pipes over time. 

2. Water Running at High Pressure 

As much as many people would love it when their water is running at high pressure, your PVC pipes cannot handle very high-water pressures. Do not expose your PVC pipe to water pressure running at 60-80 psi or higher. 

When you let your water run that high with PVC pipes, it would eventually start cracking and bursting, reducing the life span of the pipes. 

3. Exposing Your Pipes to Intense Sunlight 

It would help if you did not expose your PVC pipes to direct sunlight because these UV rays can make them brittle and prone to cracking. This isn’t a problem because these pipes are usually buried underneath the soil, inside walls, and ceilings. 

But just in case you have some pipes exposed to the sun, ensure that you find a way to shade them or coat the body of these pipes with paint. 

4. Improper Installation 

A very common reason PVC pipes only last is due to bad installations. A lot of plumbers make that mistake and make use of brass fittings on PVC pipes. 

Just ensure that the connections and fittings are properly made, and you wouldn’t have to worry about the installations. 


Certain factors would damage your PVC pipes, but salt is not one of them. Ensure that you maintain your PVC pipes properly, and you wouldn’t even need to worry about damage to your PVC pipes. 

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