What To Plant With Gerbera Daisies (12 Companions)

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Are you tired of your garden lacking the beauty and richness you desire? Gerbera daisies are a great start, but have you considered pairing them with other plants to really make your garden burst with color and life?

The good news is that there are many options to choose from, including greenery, flowering plants, groundcovers, and short grasses. With the right pairing, your garden can thrive and become the envy of all your neighbors.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create a stunning garden. Read on to discover exactly what to plant with gerbera daisies and make your garden truly shine!

What is Gerbera Daisies?

Native to South Africa, gerbera daisies are a popular flowering plant that has found its way into Asia and other parts of the world. Gerbera daisies are great for cut flowers, houseplants, and garden blooms.

As cut flowers, gerbera daisies would last longer than expected if you carefully handle them. Most people would prefer to have them as house plants because they are spectacular and play a massive role in changing the appearance of your home. The plant also is best at managing dirt and keeping the atmosphere clean.

If this plant interests you, you will likely get them in quantum. Still, before you do, you need to know that there are over 40 varieties of gerbera daisies, and they come in different sizes and a rainbow of colors; yellow, pink, orange, red, and white. When in suitable condition, the flowers can grow up to 2 to 5 inches.

If you have always dreamed of mixing up these beautiful plants and wondered what you could plant with gerbera daisies, then you are in luck because you need not search nooks and crannies to find them. After all, they are easy to find! 

Are you ready to learn about the perfect companion plant for gerbera daisies? Great! Let’s know them now.

What To Plant With Gerbera Daisies

Now that you are ready to elevate the beauty of your garden by pairing some flowers and plants with gerbera daisies, which flowers and plants should you go for? Here are a few things to keep in mind;

  • First, go for flowers or plants as delicate as gerbera daisies.
  • Also, be gentle in choosing colors, as this can make or mar the overall appearance of your garden.
  • In addition, learn the right growing conditions for your chosen plants, ensuring they perfectly blend with the gerbera daisies in your garden.

That said, below are some of the best gerbera daisies companion plants you should consider:

Flowering Plants You Can Pair With Gerbera Daisies

Since gerbera daisies are flowering plants mainly grown as ornamental plants indoors and outdoors, best put, many gardeners or plant lovers would settle for flowering plants too.

1. Lobelia

Here’s one flowering plant that you should consider planting alongside your gerbera daisies. Lobelia plant is a genus of flowering plants from the bellflower family that is mainly grown as an ornamental plant or as garden beds. 

There are over 400 species of lobelia plants. One thing they have in common with gerbera daisies is that some species are tender perennials. More so, you can grow them indoors or outdoors. 

Lobelia is a late bloomer, just like gerbera daisies. If you are looking for the perfect color to settle with, then go with the color that blends with what you already have in your garden.

They mostly come in purple or blue, but you can also see lobelia plants in scarlet red, lilac, and other vibrant colors.

2. Rose

Your daisies are not the only cut flowers out there; roses have repeatedly proven to be a great flowering plant for many households or gardeners.

Rose is a woody perennial flowering plant from the Rosaceae family. It is scientifically referred to as Rosa. One spectacular thing about the rose flower is that it is the oldest flower; no wonder it is one of the most used flowers in the world.

The rose flowers come in various colors: red, white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and even blue. You have a plethora of colors to choose from.

But before you delve into the search, it’s important to note that there are over 300 species of rose flowers; these flowers can be shrubs, Ramblers, or climbers. If you are looking for a perfect flower to plant with gerbera daisies, you should go for shrubs.

English shrubs and old roses are enough to set your garden up for rich blooms. Rose flowers are hungry plants requiring some tender, loving care to thrive; ensure you give them your attention.

3. Diascia

Go for diascia if you look forward to transforming your garden into a blooming landscape with a simple tweak.

Diascia is an annual and also a perennial plant of the Scrophulariaceae family. It is native to South Africa and is planted in many other places as an ornamental plant.

Also known as twin spur, the Diascia is a delicate flowering plant that is relatively easy to grow and can thrive in favorable conditions. 

You will meet them in bursting colors like pink, orange, red, and the plain of it all, white. If you have wondered what to plant with gerbera daisies, don’t hesitate to try a Diascia flowering plant today.

4. Calibrachoa

The calibrachoa flowering plant is also known as the million bells or trailing petunia. Since gerbera daisies is a short-lived perennial that can live up to 3 to 5 years, you can plant it alongside its calibrachoa flowering plant, which is a short-lived perennial too. 

Calibrachoa is classified as a nightshade plant, yet it is one of the most popular plants for outdoor planting. However, like gerbera daisies, they are great if you intend to grow them in containers too. It is one of the best choices for indoor planting too. 

The plant blooms in fall right into summer. They come in different varieties and numerous colors, allowing you to choose any calibrachoa plant that rhymes with your gerbera daisies.

5. Chrysanthemum

It’s time to bring the pairing game home! How about a plant from the same family as gerbera daisies? Indeed, the chrysanthemum it is.

Unarguably one of the most recommended flowering plants that are not just grown for their ornamental features but also their numerous health benefits.

Also known as mums, chrysanthemum is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family; it is native to East Asia.

However, it has gained popularity in other parts of the world. The chrysanthemum is easy to grow and would most reward your efforts when you plant them during the spring. Please leave them in well-drained soil, give them enough room to receive light, and watch them bloom their best.

7. Lilies

Lilies are one of the most honored and sacred plants that signify many things depending on the color you get to pick. Be careful adding any of them to your garden because they are best known to steal the show!

But who says you can’t? After all, you want your garden to stand out in your neighborhood. Lilies add a touch of elegance to any landscape it finds themselves in and can reward you with blooms beyond your wildest imagination.

Like gerbera daisies, lilies are perennial flowering plants that require little attention to thrive. Grace it with 6-8 hours of sunlight, plant it well-drained beside your gerbera daisies, and keep your fingers crossed. You’d be amazed at the level of their growth.

7. Sunflowers

Also from the Asteraceae family, the sunflower is an annual and perennial flowering plant of a genus of about 70 species. 

Sunflowers should not be on our list, considering they are the nearest to the gerbera daisies and can be hard to differentiate. However, these two are great pairs if you enjoy boldness, elegance, and catchy flowers.

Pair gerbera daisies with sunflowers and reap all the blooming benefits. 

8. Hydrangea

Still, wondering what to plant with gerbera daisies? Well, Hydrangea is a great fit! This flowering plant is a great plant that is bursting with numerous colors. Commonly named hortensia, Hydrangea is a genus of over 75 species native to Asia and America.

The plant can thrive in sun and shade, but be careful not to expose it to full sun. Plant hydrangea alongside your gerbera daisies when it’s time for a pair.

9. Marigold

If you are looking for natural pest-repellent and drought-tolerant plants, you just got one. The marigold plant is a genus of annual or perennial plants from the Asteraceae family. 

The plant can grow 6 to 48 inches in height and 6 to 36 inches wide if suitable. Marigold is another great plant that can be a companion to your gerbera daisies.

Greenery Plants That You Can Pair With Gerbera Daisies

Although greenery plants are not bursting with numerous colors, their ability to reward any landscape with their unique trait is highly commendable.

This makes it a great pick to pair your gerbera daisies with. There are over 300,000 species of greenery plants, and it might take forever for you to find a pick. But here are the two you can quickly settle for;

10. Sweet Potato Vine

Ipomoea batatas are the scientific name for sweet potato vine, known for its attractive leaves and colorful foliage. Although the sweet potato vine is a greenery plant, it is ornamental.

Many gardeners would plant it because of its attractive shape. You won’t end with blooms as you would with flowering plants, but your gerbera daisies will surely grow well if you pair them with a sweet potato vine.

11. Licorice Plant

Photo by Plant Right via Flickr

Licorice is another plant species that you can plant with your gerbera daisies. Although it is a species of flowering plant from the Asteraceae family, it does not have flowers. However, flowers may appear on the licorice vine. 

Scientifically referred to as helichrysum petiolare, licorice is grown mainly in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East because of its unique texture and color. Consider it if you are not interested in growing your gerbera daisies with unique colors.

A ground cover plant that you can pair with gerbera daisies

There are several varieties of ground cover plants: English Ivy, stonecrop, Bugle herb, and creepy Jenny.

12. Bugleweed

Also known as ground pine, Bugleweed is an excellent ground cover plant that you can easily pair with gerbera daisies. So, if you are still looking for what to plant with gerbera daisies and do not want to go for flowering plants or any greenery plant, then you have it— Bugleweed.

Scientifically referred to as ajuga reptans, Bugleweed is a fast-growing perennial ground cover plant native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. Unlike greenery, which rarely comes with flowers, Bugleweed comes with flowers that can easily blend with your primary plants.

Conclusion: Gerbera Daisies Companion Plants

You don’t have any issues if you are looking for what to plant with gerbera daisies because there are a good number of plants that you can pair with this plant.

Whether you settle for a flowering plant, greenery, or ground cover, your gerbera daisies will grow healthy and reward your landscape with enough blooms.

Our guide provided you with the most essential and beneficial plants you can grow alongside your plant; this would help you understand which one to go for.

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