How to Unclog Toilet With Baking Soda And Vinegar

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A clogged toilet is what no homeowner would pray for, but we can’t just prevent this from happening in some situations.

Several factors lead to a clogged toilet, and there are several remedies to all these, including homemade remedies, such as using baking soda and vinegar.

Oh yes, you can unclog toilet with baking soda and vinegar, but you have to follow the process efficiently to avoid ending up with an even bigger mess.

In this article, we are going to be guiding you through the steps you can take to unclog your toilet with vinegar and baking soda.

Let’s get started!

How to Unclog Toilet With Baking Soda And Vinegar 

After you have tried using the plunger and it doesn’t work, you don’t have to go straight to getting a plumber, and you should try the homemade remedies too. A very effective method is making use of vinegar and baking soda. 

The best vinegar you can use for this is white or apple cider vinegar. In this case, a little chemistry is all you would need to unclog your toilet. Below are some steps you can take to unclog your toilet with baking soda and vinegar: 

  • Get your baking soda and vinegar in appropriate amounts and get ready to flush them down your toilet
  • If you are dealing with a minor clog, measure a sufficient amount of baking soda in a bowl, but if it is severe, you can just let it all down into the toilet
  • You should pour an equal amount of vinegar in both cases. For instance, if you let ½ cup of baking soda down your toilet, you should also let ½ cup of vinegar inside your toilet
  • After pouring both into your toilet, prepare your oiling water and keep it aside
  • After about five minutes, you can just let your hot water down the toilet. In severe cases, you would need to let the clog stay in for up to 24 hours
  • You must flush your toilet more than once to ensure it works

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How To Use Salt And Vinegar To Unclog Drain 

A clog in your drain is one of the common issues you would most likely encounter in the home. It can be quite frustrating always to see a pool of water rising at your drain, but not to worry and we are here to help you fix that issue. 

Salt is a very effective de-clogger, especially Epsom salt, but when mixed with vinegar, you have created a powerful de-clogger for yourself. To unclog your drain with salt and vinegar, follow the steps below; 

  • Mix one cup of vinegar and one cup of salt in a small bowl and stir until the mixture is smooth
  • If you want to increase the acidic level of the mixture, then you can add ½ cup of lemon juice
  • If you do not have lemon juice around, increase the vinegar to 1 ½ cups so the mixture has a liquid-like texture
  • Flush your drain with a bowl of hot water and let it sit for about five minutes before pouring the liquid mixture down the drain and letting it sit for another fifteen minutes
  • You shouldn’t limit yourself to just one cup of salt and vinegar; you should work depending on the size of your drain and the intensity of the clog
  • After that, you can now pour four cups of hot water into the drain. Ensure that you pour the hot water directly into the drain hole and do not let it run down the sink, so it doesn’t cool off along the way

The best salt to use to unclog your drain is Epsom salt. Due to its coarse nature and the fact that it takes a while to dissolve into the drain, the Epsom salt would do the job perfectly. All you have to follow is the same procedure as above, but this time, with Epsom salt. 

Baking soda is very effective for clearing blockages in drains and toilets. Some amazing solutions that go well with baking soda to unclog the drain include; 

  1. Baking soda and vinegar 
  2. Baking soda and hot water 
  3. Baking soda and salt

How To Maintain the Toilet to Prevent Future Clogs 

It doesn’t just stop at unclogging your toilet; there are several other steps you would need to take to ensure that you do not fall victim to a clogged toilet again.

These include:

1. Flushing Your Toilet Properly After Use 

You should flush your toilet twice after use, especially if you made use of materials like toilet paper. With two flushes, you could get rid of more waste that the first flush couldn’t get down. 

2. Do Not Flush Anything That Is Not Human Waste or Toilet Paper 

It would help if you only let your waste and toilet paper go into the toilet because it wasn’t designed to handle anything else. Not even soft cotton buds and cotton wools or even wet wipes. Letting all these down your toilet would only damage it. 

You may not see the dangers of doing this for the first few months until after a while, when they begin to build up slowly. Also, monitor your children’s activities so they do not let down materials like toys and pins down the toilet.

When these build up, they would be very difficult to eliminate with baking soda and vinegar. 

3. Do Not Let Excessive Amounts of Toilet Paper Go Down the Toilet 

Sometimes, you might get too much toilet paper down the toilet, which is why it ends up clogged. As much as toilet paper is acceptable, too much is very bad for your toilet. Some toilet paper varieties, like the super soft deluxe, do not break down easily. 

So to be on the safe side, you should use only a limited amount of toilet paper for your toilet. 


The vinegar and baking soda recipe will most likely work for moderate clogs. If you notice that your clogs are too big and even after using the plunger and homemade remedies, it still doesn’t go away, and you should contact your plumber.

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