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These purple wildflowers are widely found in California, growing in certain hardiness zones across the US, and most of these plants are usually flexible. You can plant them in several other countries around the globe.
Some good examples of purple wildflowers in California include the alfalfa, bull thistle, creeping Charlie, winter vetch, and bee balm, to make a few.
This article will guide you through the several amazing purple wildflowers you can find all around California; please stick with us!
Purple Wildflowers in California
Some examples of purple wildflowers you would find growing across California include;
1. Bull Thistle
The bull thistle is also known as the boar thistle or the dodder. This plant is usually grown in areas with a hardiness zone ranging from 3a-8b if you intend to attract giant bees and butterflies.
The seeds of the thistle plant are fed to the famous American goldfinches as they are also packed with a lot of additional nutrients sealed in.
However, birds also make use of the thistledown to line their nests, and they also wait till these flowers bloom for them to raise their young.
See Also: Orange Wildflowers In California
2. Alfalfa
You would find the alfalfa flowers growing in areas with USDA hardiness zones ranging from 3a-11. These plants are most likely to bloom in the summer, fall, or spring. These plants would do better in warmer climates and attract insects like bees and butterflies.
Many farmers plant these plants because they serve as an excellent food source for animals and fix the nitrogen from the air into the soil through the roots.
3. Winter Vetch
In most cases, the winter vetch is planted by farmers to serve as a companion plant for the tomatoes. These plants contain nitrogen which helps prevent the growth of weeds that would disrupt the development of these potatoes.
The winter vetch would survive in areas with USDA hardiness zones ranging from 4-7.
The winter vetch is versatile and can be grown in several temperate areas; forests, grasslands, old fields, roadsides, meadows, and several other places.
It would help if you were careful when planting these plants because they can also be considered invasive in some areas.
4. Common Burdock
The common burdock is called the louse-bur, button-bur, and wild rhubarb. This plant can survive in areas with USDA hardiness zones ranging from 4a-10b.
These plants can grow in the most unusual areas like roadsides, railways, hayfields, and other disturbed areas in the US.
The common rhubarb is very similar to the wild rhubarb because of its deep purple flowers and large leaves, which makes it very easily identified.
In dry seasons, the plant dries, making it very similar to the Velcro plant because they stick to humans and animals, making dispersion easier.
5. Bee Balm
The bee balm is also known as the wild bee balm or the horsemint and can survive in areas with USDA hardiness zones ranging from 3a-9b. the bee balm plant is considered very medicinal because it reduces several herbal teas to cure colds and flu.
You can use the bee balm plant to cure several illnesses. Steaming this plat can help free up nasal passages, and when you make a poultice from it, it can treat muscle cramps, sores, headaches, and even fungal infections.
And if you want to plant it for its beauty, don’t worry. It also attracts hummingbirds, bees, and even birds, making it suitable for your garden.
6. Creeping Charlie
The creeping Charlie plant is called the ground ivy, field balms, and hedge maids. This plant can grow in semi-shades and tolerates sun shades very well.
The reaping Charlie can survive in ISDA zones ranging from 3a-10b.
Several species of wild bees collect their pollens from the creeping Charlie plant. This creeping Charlie plant can be invasive in several areas, and you must control the plant’s growth.
These plants can get very invasive, so it would be tough for you to get rid of them by ordinary hand pulling or even simple mowing.
7. Purple Loosestrife
The purple loosestrife is also called the purple Lythrum or the spiked loosestrife. These plants can survive in areas with USDA zones ranging from 3a-9b. most times, these plants are invasive and appear as weeds, even though it is tough to believe these beautiful plants.
These plants are invasive and take over the entire area where they are planted, which is why many people are not a fan of them.
These plants can reproduce very quickly, and it multiplies because it produces their shoots from its root.
8. New England Aster
The New England aster is called the hardy aster and can thrive in USDA zones ranging from 3a-9b. these plants produce beautiful purple flowers, and if you want the seed head of this plant to dry, you can plant these seeds in the future.
9. Dame Rocket
There are several names as a substitute for this plant; the dames violet, damask-violet, sweet rocket, mother of the evening good and plenty’s, dames-wort, and the rogue’s gillyflower. These plants can thrive in areas with USDA zones ranging from 3-9.
The dame’s rocket plant is fast growing, so it spreads throughout the prairies in California. The smaller leaves of these blooming plants are rich in vitamin c, so it is considered an excellent addition to salads.
This plant is very similar to the native phlox, so they are often confused with each other. The only significant difference you would notice is that the dam’s rocket has four petals per flower and the phloxes have five.
You will see that this plant has a slightly bitter taste, but not to worry, it is not dangerous.
10. Tall Morning Glory
The tall morning glory is also referred to as the purple morning glory or the common morning glory, depending on the situation you find yourself in. these annual plants can survive in areas with USDA zones ranging from 2-11.
These purple-flowered plants are weeds because they can thrive on dry, rich soils like roadsides, old fields, or waste sites. If you research, you will notice that his plant can be more beneficial than it seems.
The tall morning glory plant was usually used as a psychedelic, so it is still sold to serve as a preservative and a poison.
11. Canada Toadflax
The Canada toadflax is also referred to as the blue and old filed toadflax. These are massive nectar plants for honeybees because they usually bloom in large numbers in the early spring. These Plantae can survive in areas with USDA zones ranging from 4a-8a.
You should be careful with this plant because some parts can be hazardous if ingested. They can also be considered a weed because you can find them growing in areas like the roadside and even on grasslands.
12. Purple Coneflower
Purple coneflowers are incredibly hardy plants, which is why they are appreciated when grown in gardens. These plants are also referred to as the easter coneflowers or the easter purple coneflowers.
You do not have to worry about extreme maintenance because these plants are drought-resistant. Before planting them, make sure you look for the appropriate action because these plants can grow up to 2-4 feet.
Ensure that you space these plants adequately because they can grow up to two feet wide, and you would want them to be able to thrive spaciously.
13. Canada Thistle
The Canada thistle can also be referred to as the Canadian thistle, Californian thistle, lettuce from hell, or perennial thistle, and the way thistle depends on which you decide to call it. These plants can grow in USDA growing zones ranging from 3a-10b.
These plants occur in various habitats, such as wetland areas, grasslands, forests, and meadows. These plants have a very high rate of reproduction because each of its plants can produce about 5 300 seeds.
14. Great Blue Lobelia
This plant is also referred to as the blue cardinal flower or the blue lobelia and can survive in areas with USDA zones ranging from 4a-9b. these plants are not self-pollinators, so they depend on insects like bees and the butterfly for pollination.
These blue lobelia plants would do well in wet or moist soils and partially shaded environments, which is why you would mostly find them in swamps, lake margins, and wet prairies.
15. Purple False Foxgloves
the purple false foxgloves are also referred to as the purple gerardia and would survive in USDA hardiness zones ranging from 2a-10b. you can add these pretty flowering plants to your garden collection in California.
These plants can derive their nutrients from several other plants, like sycamores, native grasses, and sweetgum trees. You do not have to worry about these plants because they can do excellently well in sandy soils.
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