8 Best Small Palm Trees for Pots (With Photos)

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It is not always easy for you to make your landscape pop; that is why you have potted palm trees to make your yard stand out. The fantastic thing about these palm trees is that if you do not want trees running along with your property, you can always plant smaller ones in plant pots.

Luckily, palm trees come in different types and can survive multiple sizes. So long as you plant these plants in adequately sized pots, you would be able to move them about in your leisure time without worrying about affecting the roots in the process.

Below are the various types of small palm trees for pots!

Best Small Palm Trees for Pots

Not every palm tree would be able to thrive appropriately in pots, so if you are looking for a starter potted palm plant, this article is just for you.

1. Chinese Fan Palm

This plant is also known as a fountain palm Chinese palm, and it is considered one of the best starter palms you can begin with.

You can place these plants in pots and put them in front of your yard to add a bit of flair to it, and if you live in an area with inconsistent rainfall, then you are in luck because this is just one of the essential factors these plants need for survival.

The Chinese fan palm is known for its durability because it can withstand drought and extreme cold without losing shape.

A matured Chinese fan palm can grow up to a height of 40 ft, and these plants perform best when exposed to full sunlight and slightly acidic conditions. This plant performs best in zones 9 and 10.

These plants are perfect for pots because, during their first years of being planted in pots, they can maintain that pot for its first years of growth. And as it grows more extensive, you would be able to transplant it to a bigger pool to compensate for its root.

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2. Jelly Palm

Jelly palms are also smaller and stouter plants that are usually short, but that does not mean they would make an excellent plant for your sidewalks. The palm of these jelly palm plants usually weeps downwards, ensuring that they provide your lawn with a fantastic shade.

This palm plant is another hardy plant that can withstand salt, heat, and drought without faltering. It might not be in your best interest if you decide to plant these plants in colder regions, but these plants can be able to withstand temperatures of 14 degrees Fahrenheit.

When these plants mature, the jelly palm plant can grow up to 20ft tall and 15 ft wide. These plants do better in well-drained soil and also when they have full access to sunlight.

All you have to ensure is that the pot you are going to be getting should be able to compensate for the stoutness and extensive root growth of the plants.

3. Silver Saw Palmetto

These plants are primarily found in Florida, and unlike the jelly palm, these plants have the chance to survive more in colder regions. This plant is another hardy plant that you can count on, not only to last through the colder areas but only to add a spiky top to your landscapes.

Silver palm trees tend to grow wider than taller; these plants can spread around 20 ft with just a height of 6ft. as I have mentioned earlier, these plants can also withstand colder regions and harsher climates.

These plants can’t be said to be drought-tolerant, but they do not require that much water for them to survive. You can be able to plant these plants in zones 7 and 10.

4. Mexican Blue Palm

You might be worried about how the weather in the summer would affect your plant? Well, that is where the Mexican blue palm trees come in. Mexican blue palm trees are heat resistant, and these plants’ beautiful silver fronds can boost fan out your yard even in the hottest time of the summer.

Mexican blue palms grow better in plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. These plants prefer loamy and sandy soils but can also thrive well in well-draining pots.

These plants are not too short as they can grow to a maximum height of 40 ft when it is well cared for. These plants are scarce, so you should reach out to your local nursery for guidance if you want one.

5. Adonidia

This plant is also referred to as Christmas palms, and they are on the smaller parts when you refer to potted plants, this ornamental addition of this plant to your lawn would catch the fancy of almost every passerby.

Adonidia palms also tend to grow best in hardiness zones of 10 and above, but that is when the temperature doesn’t drop down below 32.

Adonidia grows slower and smaller than their cousin plants as they do not grow past the height of 15 ft. the excellent part about this plant is that it requires relatively low maintenance, so you do not have to stress about it; also, most adonidia plants are elf cleaning so that also shouldn’t be an issue.

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6. Bismark Palm

Like all of the plants mentioned here, the bismark palm is not an exemption in fitting perfectly into small pots. Bismark palm plants are part of the tallest plants that can fit into flower pots perfectly. When well cared for, these plants can reach up to 60ft tall, and for their spreads, they can reach about 16 ft.

Bismark palms grow best in hardiness zones 10 and 11, and unlike most of their cousins, these trees are a bit more sensitive to cooler temperatures, and exposing them to extreme cold can lead to stunted growth. Like most other palms, the bismark palm prefers full sunlight with well-drained soil.

7. Lipstick Palm

If you want to add a bit of color to your gardens or yards, then the lipstick palm is the tree you need. The lipstick palm is a tall palm variety, and you might be wondering how it fits into this category, but the thing is, these plants have thin barks that can be able to fit inside pots.

When properly cared for, lipstick palms can grow tall to 50 ft and when exposed to a suitable climate. Most often, lipstick palms planted in pots would stop growing when they hit a height of 30 ft, making them an excellent statement for any front yard.

8. Chestnut Dioon

Chestnut dioon palms are slow-growing plant varieties that range among the shortest palm varieties. If you want to add an exotic appeal to your gardens, the chestnut dioon will help you with that.

Chestnut dioons produce a lot of seeds, but the shapes and sizes of these seeds vary depending on the age and gender of the tree.

Chestnut dioon is another excellent starter plant for planters hoping to expand their potting experience and get the best out of the outlooks of palm trees. The chestnut dioons can tolerate salt and are also drought-resistant that they can even be able to withstand the harshest summer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Soil Type Does Potted Plant Needs?

The soil you plant your potted plants is essential in determining whether your plant will thrive healthily or not. It would be best if you contacted your local nursery to know the best soil type to use, and with that, anything with good water draining capacity would do the trick since these plants do not like excess water.

What Light and Shade Do Potted Plants Need?

Most potted plants would do well if placed in direct or indirect sunlight for about 6-8 hours of the day. Ensure that you do not place these plants in the shade too much, as this may eventually lead to stunted growth.

What Amount of Water Does Potted Plants Need?

You do not need to water your potted plant daily, and as a matter of fact, watering daily would do more harm than good to your plant. Even if your potted plant can withstand drought, you should at least try your best to ensure that the soil is never damp.

To get the most out of your potted plants, water the top half-inch of the soil once a week, and also, when it is dry, ideally, you should plant these palms in a well-draining pot so even if you add in too much, it would be able to drain away.

Can I Fertilize Potted Plants?

You can fertilize your potted plants, but you should also ensure that you do not add undiluted fertilizer.

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When Can I Transplant My Potted Plant?

You can keep your potted plant in one pot your whole life, but some cases might arise where you need to transplant these plants for one reason, like when their roots keep growing.