30 Low Maintenance Outdoor Potted Plants (With Photos)

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Are you looking for the perfect way to infuse greenery and a soft natural feel to your outdoor space?

Outdoor potted plants are just what you need to make that happen. Discover some of the amazing, low maintenance outdoor potted plants that you can use for your outdoor pot gardens.

In this article, we will be sure to also name a few outdoor potted plants for winter, full sun, and those all year round.

Stick around!

Low Maintenance Outdoor Potted Plants

1. Clematis (Clematis Viticella)

(USDA Growing Zones: 4 – 8)

 If you like tall plants sticking out in your outdoor garden, the clematis is just what you need. They are natural climbers that thrive better in a large pot.

Ensure you have a trellis placed by the plant to support it. When getting the clematis, it is wise to make inquiries, so you do not end up with the clematis terniflora – a variant with small, white flowers known to be a highly invasive notorious weed. 

It is easy to get confused as the clematis plant is available in wide varieties and colors. 

To care for this easy-grow plant, have them planted in well-drained soil and leave to enjoy the full sun – part shade exposure.

2. October Daphne (Hylotelephium Sieboldii) 

(USDA Growing Zones: 4 – 9) 

October Daphne is a close relative of sedum succulents. They have, in this family tree, hundreds of species bearing different leaf shapes.

They are best planted in sunny spots beneath taller plants. When placed in a large pot, they look like lush green carpets, offering great natural beauty.

October Daphne is quite a hardy plant. They can thrive in just about any type of soil and tolerate freezing temperatures.

You should, however, feed it with full sun to at least half sun to prevent them from getting leggy.

3. Rosemary (Salvia Rosmarinus) 

(USDA Growing Zones: 7 – 11 with other cold hardy variants available) 

The salvia rosmarinus is a typical example of a low-maintenance outdoor plant. Once the right conditions for its growth are met, they well established to stand on its own without constant care and attention. 

The only thing you will have to do is to have them reported when they grow too big for the pot. 

The right conditions for growth include growing in light, well-draining soil under full sun or partial shade, at least to prevent them from getting leggy.

4. Coleus (Coleus scutellarioides) 

(USDA Growing Zones 10-11)

To get the best out of the coleus plant in terms of visual aesthetics, have them paired with Hostas in your container garden.

You will have no issues with this low-maintenance, shade-loving plant, as it only needs to be consistently watered to grow almost independently in summer and all through fall.

They, however, have to be shielded from very cold weather; else, they will die back. Have them planted in well-drained soil under part shade to full shade.

5. English Lavender (Lavender Angustifolia) 

(USDA Growing Zones: 5-9) 

Lavenders are very tolerant of dry conditions under the right conditions. The right variant, the English Ivy, is quite cold tolerant, unlike other variants. 

Lavenders are slow-growing plants, but the beauty they hold makes it quite worth the wait. For best results, have them planted in dry, well-draining soil, under full to the part sun at least.

6. Japanese Maple (Acer Japonicum)

(USDA Growing Zones: 5-7) 

Some people know the Japanese Maple to be a tree and might be confused seeing it on this list of low-maintenance outdoor potted plants. 

It is quite true that they are trees; however, they grow extremely slowly that they can be used and enjoyed as large container plants for your outdoor space. 

The Acer Japonicum should be your preferred variety as other types can be overly invasive. 

The plant will overwinter in very cold climates but shed its leaves in winter. Therefore, shielding it then will be necessary. 

The Japanese maple thrives best in rich, moist, potting soil under full sun to partial shade.

7. Rose (Rosa)

(USDA Growing Zones: 5-11, depending on the particular variety) 

The rose is one container plant that people mostly avoid because of the difficulty experienced in growing them. Still, newer hybrids of this plant have been proven to be the opposite. 

With the new category of an easy-care rose plant, they can get by through the different stages of growth easily with just sufficient sun and water supply. 

For best results, have them planted in slightly acidic and well-drained soil.

8. String Of Pearls (Senecio Rowleyanus)

(USDA Growing Zones: 9-12) 

The unique string of pearl plants is a great addition to your outdoor container garden. This low-maintenance plant needs sufficient sunlight and protection from strong winds. 

They prefer sandy, dry well-draining soil and bright and direct sunlight. The string of pearls succulents will fit well in hanging baskets.

9. Azalea (Rhododendron)

(USDA Growing Zones: 5-9 for the majority of varieties. A few others are hardy to zone 4) 

Azaleas are easy-care, easy-grow plants that thrive well as container plants. When they bloom, usually in spring, they spot pretty colors and bless us with their pretty leaves for the rest of the season. 

For Azaleas that are tolerant of cold and would overwinter with little or no attention, go for the native azalea variant. They love well-draining soil and prefer bright and direct sunlight.

10. Geraniums (Pelargoniums)

(USDA Growing Zones: 9-12) 

Geraniums are pretty easy to care for, plus they provide great visual aesthetics in your space. 

They are drought tolerant and have very attractive flowers that naturally attract hummingbirds and other beneficial pollinators who cannot resist their beautiful flowers. 

The downside, however, to this plant is that they tend to get leggy if deprived of full sun. For best results, plant on well-drained soil under full sun exposure. 

Bloom Time: Summer through to Fall.

Low Maintenance Outdoor Potted Plants For Winter

Let your space come alive and look colorful even in the cold winter months by planting the following plants:

1. Boxwood Hedge

Boxwoods are evergreen plants that tolerate winter and other unpleasant climate conditions. You can use them as hedges or container plants. 

To promote consistent growth, balance out the plant’s sun exposure by rotating the pot occasionally.

2. Pansies

Pansies have this unique quality of thriving effortlessly in winter and summer. To be on the right footing with this plant, ensure you water consistently and allow the water to drain out.

3. Erica Carnea (Springwood pink)

The Springwood pink practically loves the sun but surprisingly thrives still in the cold winter months. 

This plant which happens to belong to the flowering Heather family, is fairly low-maintenance, requiring only a bit of sun to produce the stunning colored flowers that it is known for.

4. Clivia

Clivias will grow flowers in a cluster during winter. They love the shade that sometimes comes with winter but will need to be watered sparingly then.

5. Cyclamen

Beautify your space in winter with this neat and attractive flowering plant. Cyclamens are ideal for bedding plants.

Low Maintenance Outdoor Potted Plants For Full Sun

Full-sun plants are those that require six or more hours of sunlight. Your space deserves to enjoy the vibrancy they offer. 

Check out some of them  below:

1. Diamond Frost (Euphorbia) 

It is a rare privilege to plant this multi-award-winning plant, acknowledged and highly rated by over 400 universities and botanical gardens. 

This stunning plant grows beautifully well in the sun and thrives in part shade too.

2. Bolivian Begonia (B. Boliviensis) 

Long striking branches and colorful blooms are some of the physical qualities Bolivian begonia possesses. The plants are in a tuber-like form that may go dormant but reemerges in spring.

3. Summer Snapdragon 

Summer snapdragons, also known as Angelonia, are annual plants that love high heat levels and sunny locations. 

They are available in various colors and attract butterflies when they bloom in summer. 

4. Bidens

Bidens make a beautiful display when used as hanging baskets. They will also be sure to attract beneficial pollinators to themselves. 

For a more stunning display, go for the ‘Bee fabulous,’ a combination of ‘Surfinia Deep Red,’ ‘Petunia, and ‘Suntory Lobelia Trailing White.’ 

This is the winning combination that you will be surprised to see that they grow and bloom at the same pace.

5. Succulents 

Succulents are the ultimate sun-loving plants. 

For best results, grow in a wide and shallow container. Succulents, as their name implies, have very thick and fleshy leaves that are very effective in retaining water.

Low Maintenance Outdoor Potted Plants All Year

Find below some of the low-maintenance potted plants all year round.

1. Pittosporum Tenuifolium

Apart from the benefit of surviving different seasons, this plant brightens up your space with its elegant evergreen shrub and luxurious light cream mahogany leaves, which later transforms into a darker shade. 

You must, however, look for a sheltered spot for it during winter.

2. Hosta

Hostas are great for aesthetics. They look just like architectural pieces. 

To get the best out of the beauty they provide, try combining it with some foliage plants or with plants like bleeding hearts.

3. Buddleia (Buzz)

We emphasize the buzz variant of the buddleia plant as they are perfect for container plants due to their compact nature.

A downside to this plant is that they do not flower all year round, but you can get around that by planting alongside some other plants with varying seasons. 

Ensure that you have them pruned back in spring to keep them looking neat and attractive.

4. Heuchera

You cannot go wrong with the heuchera. They are timeless foliage plants that can be found available in diverse, beautiful colors.

Another advantage is their long-lasting, magnificent display. You can also use them as a foil for other plants.

5. Agapanthus

Agapanthus can either be evergreen or deciduous types. They are great for container plants and have no issue thriving all year round. 

They are sure to make a stunning show, whether grown on their own or complemented with other plants that flower at different seasons.

Low Maintenance Outdoor Potted Plants Florida

Bypass all the challenges that abound in creating a garden in Florida.

Challenges that arise as a result of the intense heat during summer in some parts are capable of making the plants wilt.

Our list below will point you in the right direction for plants that can withstand these challenges and thrive through them all.

Let’s get down to them below

1. Crotons

Grow the Crotons plant if you reside in Florida and experience peace of mind.

All you need to do as part of its maintenance is to keep them continually moist, particularly in spring all through autumn. 

As you do so, you will promote a healthy height growth of about 5ft and radiant-looking green, sharp red, and yellow foliage with beautifully long leaves.

2. Hibiscus

There are various varieties of hibiscus, so be sure to inquire about that which is good for the Florida climate. 

The benefits of the hibiscus flower are its colorful appearance and its ability to be used as either a shrub, tree, annual or perennial plant.

If you intend to grow it as a perennial, pruning every winter will promote dense growth.

3. Areca Palm

With the Areca palm, you have a plant that can withstand the weather challenges of Florida and is also a fruit-producing plant.

Another name for the Areca palm is butterfly or bamboo plant. Just like bamboo, they, too, have an impressive overall height of about 30ft, with plenty of yellow canes springing forth from their plant base.

4. Evolvulus

We will not be wrong if we say that the evolvulus plant was developed specifically for Floridians, as there is no way of explaining how it adores the intense heat experienced there.

The plant even gets prettier in summer, blessing your outdoor space with radiant blue flowers shaped like a bell that opens in the morning and shuts close at night.

The evolvulus plant can be traced to the Morning glory family tree. 

They have a height range of 12-15inches tall.

5. Bush Daisy (Gamolepis)

Bush daisies are sun-loving plants that love to be moist simultaneously. When grown in a pot, they form just like a bush, hence its name.

Bush daisies have a height range of about 2-3ft and can get about 4ft wide. They tend to die back to the soil in winter, but they will surely appear again in spring.


Your outdoor space deserves a dash of greenery, and container plants can help you achieve that easily. With our list of low-maintenance outdoor plants, you can pick the best suitable for your space needs.

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