How Many Lettuce Seeds Per Hole? (Explained)

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You can plant lettuce in different ways, and one of the most popular ways is planting it by seeds. But do you know how many lettuce seeds per hole you should plant?

Well, in this article, we will answer all your questions about the number of lettuce seeds you should plant per hole, how long it will take lettuce seeds to germinate, and how to plant and care for lettuce seed.

Let’s get started!

What Are Lettuce Seeds?

Lettuce Seeds are seeds grown in the garden or around the house, they add a touch of beauty to the environment, and in some places, they serve as food for the farmers.

Growing lettuce seed is much easier than you think, and the funny thing is that once you get good at it, you will not want to go back to buying again.

However, planting lettuce seeds is straightforward, but there are several methods available. The method you choose depends entirely on your preference and likes, and there are also important factors you should keep in mind that will aid you in caring for your lettuce seed; stay tuned and read on.

See Also: Slowest Growing Plants

Types Of Lettuce Seeds For Planting

There are different types of varieties of lettuce seeds quickly grow. Some of the best types are

  • French red leaf
  • Butterhead 
  • Romaine
  • Iceberg

Remember that when it comes to the growth and germination period of lettuce is affected by the type of lettuce seed you have chosen.

How Many Lettuce Seeds Per Hole?

When it comes to how many lettuce seeds per hole, it depends on their age range. If the seedlings are new, then you can plant one per hole. If they’re more than a year old, you can grow 2 to 3 seedlings per hole; you can equally thin them later if they’re overcrowded.

Best Lettuce Seed Starting Methods 

  • Direct planting
  • Indoor planting

Direct Planting 

This process is effective for lettuce seeds because they grow very fast. In direct planting, you have to plant the seed where there is efficient and sufficient sunlight because the seedlings need sunlight in the early stages of their development. 

Indoor Planting 

If you are living in a location where the temperature is too high or too cold, the best method to plant your lettuce seedlings is to indoor plant them. However, when planting your lettuce seed indoors, you should plant it in a place where the soil temperature is not very high.

How Long Does It Take From Seed To Harvest?

It is widely known that lettuce seeds proliferate; on average, it takes only about 40 to 50 days for lettuce seeds to reach full maturity.

You can quickly start harvesting leafy varieties a lot sooner than the stipulated time, but the more prominent types and the more healthy types need more time to mature; it will probably take anywhere from 60 to 80 days from seed to harvest, which is not too long compared to other types of seeds.

Planting the lettuce seed

Planning is vital when sowing lettuce. Don’t just throw the lettuce seed into the garden and wish for the best. You can set yourself up for success by planting them the right way and at the right time for adequate growth and germination through proper planning.

When To Plant Lettuce Seeds

Lettuce seeds are known to germinate best and faster in a cooler temperature. If it’s too hot or too cold, they will not grow.

The best time to plant lettuce seeds is immediately after the ground becomes workable in early spring or as soon as the temperature cools down in the late summer or early fall. 

How Long Does It Take Lettuce Seed To Grow?

Generally speaking, it takes between 4 to 15 days for every lettuce seed to germinate, but under perfect conditions, it will take lesser.

The germination time of lettuce seeds depends on how warm or dry the soil is, how wet, and how much sunlight the seeds receive. If these nutrients are not available, it will inhibit lettuce seed germination. 

So if you find out that after some time, your lettuce seed is not growing, you should check the temperature, light, and moisture level of the soil you are planting on. 

What Do Lettuce Seedlings Look Like 

Lettuce Seedlings look very small when they sprout, and they have two rounded and slightly oblong shapes. These types of leaves are called “seed leaves.”

All other leaves that come after these types are called the “true leaves,” and they look very much like the natural ones, except they are thinner

How To Care For Lettuce Seedlings

Your lettuce seedlings need extra care even when they have started germinating. There are four areas to look into when caring for your lettuce seedlings, and they are

  • Light
  • Water
  • Fertilizer
  • Thinning


For your lettuce seed to germinate fast and grow effectively, they need a lot of bright lights, especially during their first growing seasons. So make sure light is abundant in the area you have mapped to plant your lettuce seed. 


For the effective growth of your lettuce seedlings, you must consistently water the soil and never allow it to dry out completely. When watering your soil, Water adequately and don’t allow the earth to be saturated. 


Once your lettuce seedlings form their first leaves, you can start feeding them with organic fertilizer, and we recommend you use the liquid Kelp Fertilizer for your seedlings because it doesn’t have any adverse side effects. 


Sometimes you may end up with overcrowded lettuce seedlings. If this happens, you should thin them to give room to them.

However, if you don’t do this effectively, they will compete for light, water, and nutrients, and they will end up overcrowding each other, leading to poor growth and development. 

Related Questions

Why won’t my lettuce seeds germinate? 

If you find out that your lettuce seeds don’t usually germinate, they are likely old, or you must have planted them too deep into the soil, or the soil is too dry to allow their growth. 

How deep do you plant lettuce seeds?

When planting lettuce seeds, you don’t need to plant them very deep into the soil. They are small and require lots of light to germinate. This is why you must plant them only about ¼inch deep.

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