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Growing houseplants is the best way to enjoy nature’s unique tints in your home. In other words, indoor plants are the best way to add greenery to any home. However, you have to choose the best variety with gorgeous colors in its foliage to brighten your rooms.
In this article, we will highlight some of the best colorful indoor plants you can add to your indoor collections, which will help bring the colors of nature to your indoor space.
We will also provide the necessary information you’ll need to care for these plants to enhance their stunning colors and vibrancy.
Let’s get started!
Best Colorful Indoor Plants
1. African Violet
African violet is a houseplant that is very familiar to many gardeners and is an old-school indoor plant. It features fuzzy leaves that produce dainty small flowers. It is also unassuming and can gradually lighten up a home, thanks to its broad range of colors.
Also called Saintpaulia, the African violet produces a purple flower, explaining where the name comes from. However, apart from purple, the flowers also feature white and several shades of blue and pink.
Native to the African continent, the African violet is available, featuring double-blossomed, fringed, or ruffled flowers, while several cultivars feature variegated leaves.
Thanks to their low-growing nature, they have become excellent options for tight spaces. However, you must water them frequently and give them bright enough indirect sunlight.
2. Pink Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya)
This indoor plant is called pink polka dot thanks to its pink leaves, which feature stunning, dark green patches, making it one of the best beautiful houseplants. It comes with vibrant foliage that intensifies under the morning sunlight.
Scientifically known as Hypoestes phyllostachya, the pink polka dot plant has different types, including Carmina, which also features purple and scarlet shades.
Ensure you fertilize this plant with a half-strength liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks in the growing season.
3. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
Another name for the snake plant is mother-in-law’s tongue. It is famous for being hard to kill. However, despite being hardy, it still features some of the most stunning foliage you can ever find in any excellent houseplant.
Its variegated variety provides streaks and stripes in shades of green, yellow, or cream.
Scientifically known as Sansevieria trifasciata, the snake plant mainly comes with deep green leaves with bright yellow stripes.
Even though they thrive in indirect light, this stunning specie can survive under dim conditions. It would be best to wait a few weeks after watering before repeating the routine, and it prefers cactus or succulent soil.
4. Arrowhead Vine (Syngonium podophyllum)
If you want an understated approach to color, you can trust arrowhead vine to give you the soft touch you need. It is a colorful indoor plant with leaves in various colors, from light green to light pink.
Meanwhile, combine these colors effectively with the usually less durable poinsettias you can find during this season. The arrowhead vine will thrive in your house’s warm, humid area with bright, indirect sunlight.
Also known as Syngonium podophyllum), the arrowhead plant is a vining plant, which makes it perfect for hanging baskets on trailing from or a moss pole to climb on. Meanwhile, its vine can grow as tall as 6 inches.
5. Coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides)
Commonly known as coleus, the Plectranthus scutellarioides is a colorful indoor plant with leaves that look like a color-filled palette. This leaf has opposite edges, thus giving the plant a unique appearance that makes it a gardener’s favorite.
The lovely color of the coleus plant will make you fall in love for the first time or even all over again. Meanwhile, keep the plant warm and bright for optimum results and appearance, and avoid soggy soil.
6. Rex Begonia (Begonia rex)
The Rex Begonia is one of the most colorful indoor plants that can beautify any home. This plant makes a great addition to your indoor collections thanks to the wide range of colors of its foliage, including purple, pink, green, and even silver.Â
Scientifically known as Begonia rex, the Rex begonia has different varieties that t can beautify any home ranging from Red Delta, Duarten Rex, Ballet, Pink Charming, Fairy, Red Kiss, and Tornado. Keep it close to the window with many hours of moderate, direct sunlight.
7. African Mask (Alocasia amazonica)
The African mask is one of this list’s most popular indoor plants. It features large, dark foliage striped with bold, white veins, which makes it a perfect option for any room. This lovely plant is a quick-growing plant that thrives in the morning sunlight.
Alocasia amazonica, as scientifically called, features calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic and can result in penetration and irritation of the mouth. Therefore, ensure you don’t allow your kids and pets to come close or even consume the leaves.
8. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia genus)
Do you want to combine a tropical feel and color in your indoor space? The bird of paradise will offer your home a bright, tropical feel and liven up the environment. During the cold, this specie will be the perfect option for your interior.
Meanwhile, the bird of paradise is a giant indoor plant featuring flashy, beak-shaped flowers with orange, yellow, and blue, held over its lush green foliage on long green stalks.
You can keep the Strelitzia genus close to a sunny window that gets southern exposure, and as we mentioned earlier, it can be used to create an indoor tropical feel.
However, in the colder months, you should provide them with the more direct sun; in warmer seasons, they will require bright, indirect sun. Again, do not overwater, as the top inch of the soil must dry out before you water again.
9. Aluminum Plant (Pilea cadierei)
The name aluminum plant is not a fluke, as this specie derived its name from its stunning silver coloring, which has a gorgeous pattern between the veins of the green leaves like a bruise.
Meanwhile, this specie has a silver shape that will glitter if you keep it near a window to receive dappled light.
Again, the aluminum plant will do best in warm temperatures around 60 degrees or more, and as we said earlier, it will like mild, indirect sun exposure. It will also do well in well-draining potting soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.
10. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema genus)
Commonly known as Chinese evergreen, the aglaonema genus is a relatively popular indoor plant with green and white colors. However, it also has other varieties that appeal to you, like red leaf veins and margins. Unlike other plants, do not allow this plant to dry out between watering.
As its name suggests, Chinese evergreen is another green and red houseplant perfect for your festive décor. You can have it around you until the celebration period is over to enable it to take the edge away from the post-holiday blues.
This plant can grow over 1 foot tall and wide and do best in low to bright indirect light.
11. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera genus)
Another lovely indoor plant that will make a perfect holiday décor is the Christmas cactus, hence its name. The glittering flowers of this specie come in different beautiful colors ranging from white, pink, red, purple, to yellow.
Christmas cactus is a moderate-sized indoor plant that splashes color and texture on a desk, tabletop, or even in a hanging basket. It is a low-maintenance plant that will liven up your spirits during winter.
However, you must ensure it gets bright, indirect light in the growing season and water it whenever the top inch of the soil is dry.
If you want it to produce flowers yearly, keep its cool temperatures and long nights. This stunning festive plant is one of the most durable houseplants on our list.
12. Zebra Plant (Calathea zebrina)
Calathea zebrine, scientifically called, is one of the most popular indoor plants on our list. It features bold and gorgeous foliage but doesn’t produce any flowers. It also has silver brush marks on the bright green leaves with scalloped edges.
Meanwhile, you can also see some variety that features a lovely burgundy-purple shade underneath, making it one of our list’s most beautiful indoor plants.
You can choose from beauty stars, corona, eclipse, Freddie, and peacocks if you want a stunning combination to grow. Keep your calathea in day-long, indirect sunlight and humid environments.
13. Madagascar Dragon (Dracaena marginata)
Madagascar dragon is a common colorful houseplant with red-edged leaves with variegated color patterns, partially arching on the solid stems. This stunning appearance makes it a perfect ornamental plant for any home.Â
It is an indoor plant you can keep in your living room to make a bold statement. Meanwhile, this dragon plant requires 2 to 3 times feeding in the growing season with regular fertilizer.
Ensure you allow the top inches of the soil to dry between watering and keep it in a bright, indirect sunny spot.
14. Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae spp.)
If you are wondering how the bromeliads appear on this list, you will discover that in its durable, exotic flowers that come in red, orange, and pink, alongside strappy green leaves. The bromeliaceae specie also enhances the quality of indoor air.
The best varieties for your indoor décor include neoregelia, pink quill, variegated neoregelia, and vriesea. These plants need bright, indirect sunlight and infrequent feeding. It would help if you also allowed the soil to dry between watering.
15. Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura)
Scientifically known as Maranta leuconeura, the prayer plant is a colorful indoor plant with a stunning appearance thanks to its large, velvety, and variegated leaves. Its leaves feature dark green color alongside textured, contrasting veins.
The red variety of the prayer plant features red veins on the green leaves, while the lemon prayer variety comes with yellow veins running in the middle of the leaves.
These species can beautify your home for a long time if you expose them to a bright morning and evening sun and water when the top inch of soil is dry.
Ask any plant enthusiast, and you will know what it means to grow colorful indoor plants in homes. Apart from their low-maintenance nature, these plants can beautify your home with their stunning color in several ranges.
You can pick any indoor plant from our list above and give your space a tropical feel and gorgeous appearance. Happy Gardening!!!