10 Lovely Trees With Large Pink Flowers

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There are so many gardeners (including myself) who resonate with pinky blooms for different reasons. 

For you, it could be the delicate beauty, emotions, and meanings they convey. Whatever it is, I’m pretty sure you will appreciate this list of trees with large pink flowers. 

This is particularly true when strategically placing them in areas that make them eye-catching focal points.

So here are a few of them that you can use to transfer the ambiance of your outdoor spaces: 

Trees With Large Pink Flowers

1. Kwanzan Cherry (Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’)

Kwanzan cherry is a seasonal beauty that will reward your landscape with a spectacular spring display of double-petaled pink blossoms –but sadly, for a relatively short period. 

As with many cherry trees, this is their mark –primarily due to pests and diseases. 

But the clustering of showy and fluffy blooms will transform your landscape into a picturesque scene during that time. 

Understand Kwanzan grows upright, up to 15–25 ft. tall and 13–26 ft. wide. They prefer zones 5 to 8 and are deer-resistant. Full sun is the key to well-draining soil. 

However, all parts of this tree are poisonous to both humans and pets –be it the leaves, stems, or seeds. 

2. Weeping Higan Cherry (Prunus x subhirtella ‘Pendula’)

What stands out right away is their weeping appearance. 

The weeping Higan Cherry tree forms cascading, pendulous-esque branches that create a unique and eye-catching silhouette. This trait makes it a valuable ornamental addition. 

And like the Kwanzan cherry, it is also a spring beauty that produces delicate flower that houses the tree in a canopy of color. 

Another cool thing about the Weeping Higan Cherry tree is that it creates natural archways or tunnels when grown in a row, adding a touch of whimsy to your landscape or garden design. 

It can reach 20 to 30 ft. in height and 15 to 25 ft. wide at maturity. It also loves zones 5 to 8 but is not deer-resistant. 

3. Flowering Almond Tree (Prunus triloba ‘Multiplex’)

Doesn’t grow taller than 10-15; the flowering almond is also one of those trees with large pink flowers that burst early spring beauty and charm to your garden. 

Plus, the delicate blossom sends an inviting fragrance signal, increasing the pollinator population and leading to a healthier garden ecosystem.

They are not the most stunning blooms but will elevate your outdoor space. 

The tree is compact yet produces bountiful blooms as a focal point. 

Aside from that, they are low-maintenance trees, Small-Space Friendly, and come in various color palettes.

Unfortunately, they are toxic to humans and animals. 

4. Crabapple (Malus spp.)

With Crabapple on your soil, you kill two birds with one stone. 

Not only does it elevate your landscape with beautiful spring blossom that clusters, but it also rewards you with sweet ornamental fruits. 

The fruits also put up a captivating display, luring birds and other wildlife, contributing to a healthier ecosystem.

Crabapple is also a four-season tree, offering visual interest all year round. 

And since they range from small to medium size, they fit into tighter spaces. You can use them as standalone specimens, as espaliered trees against walls, or as part of mixed borders. 

The tree also welcomes pollinators such as butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects. The soil they need is different: rich, loamy, well-draining, and in zones 4 to 8. 

5. Pink Japanese Dogwood  (Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’)

Dogwood in your outdoor space brings a touch of beauty and elegance, as well as ecological value. 

Certainly not my favorite, but we must credit it for the exquisite spring bloom that creates a picturesque and enchanting display.

It also comes in various colors and has a four-season appeal. We have been talking about spring bloom, spring bloom, spring bloom…

The Pink Japanese Dogwood offers interest throughout the year —spring, summer, fall, and even winter. 

Aside from that, it attracts a bit of wildlife. The tree is a valuable food source, shade, and shelter for birds and other smaller wildlife. 

And since they are not large trees only —15 ft. tall and wide — they can fit into your ornamental garden, whether as part of mixed borders or as standalone specimens.

Additionally, the dogwood appreciates zones 5 to 8  and Fertile, medium moisture, well-draining soil. 

6. Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia x soulangiana)

The show-stopping spring blossoms of the Saucer Magnolias are absolutely breathtaking.

They are large, saucer-shaped flowers that are difficult to ignore while passing by. 

However, the tree is an early bloomer. It is one of those trees that bloom in the spring. They still put up a show during the winter months and warmer seasons. 

Saucer Magnolia also detonates an enticing, explosive, sweet fragrance –drawing pollinators to your outdoor space. 

They are also less prone to diseases and pests as long as they constantly sit on medium moisture, well-draining soil in Zones 4 to 9. 

7. Red Horse Chestnut (Aesculus × carnea)

A lot of people confuse the Red Horse Chestnut for other edible chestnuts. 

Make no mistake, these are toxic nuts and should not be eaten. The plant is a crossbreed of two different chestnut species. 

Compared to its parent species, this hybrid vigor has improved growth, health, and adaptability. 

Their striking panicles or red-to-pink blossoms are unmatched by any other species. 

They are upright, bottlebrush clusters of flowers that add a burst of color to complement your garden in late spring and throughout the year. 

Its beauty is enchanting to pollinators such as Wild honey bees, Managed bees, Bumble bees, Other bee species, Butterflies, Moths, and Wasps. 

Among other things, Red Horse Chestnut offers shade and shelter with other broad canopy branches when matured. 

They can put up a tough fight with diseases, making them easier to maintain. 

However, they are less compact since they can grow 30-40 feet tall and thrive best in zones 5 to 8. 

8. Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

You CAN NOT write the Eastern Redbud off! 

They are infamous for the profusion of pink to magenta blossoms. 

During the arrival of spring, Eastern Redbud puts on a stunning and picturesque display. 

The flower arrangement is also worth talking about. They emerge from the branches and the main trunk, making their presence noticeable. 

Meanwhile, the heart-shaped leaves and appealing foliage texture contribute to its overall aesthetic. 

They are hardy trees and love zones 4 to 8 with medium moisture and well-draining soil to grow 20 to 30 feet tall and 30 to 35 feet wide.

9. Crepe Myrtle

 Crepe Myrtle’s prolific and colorful bloom during the summer months is also worth considering. 

While pink will be the preferred color, it comes in shades of red, purple, and even white. 

The flowers are clustered in panicles at the tips of the branches. They also have crinkled or crepe-like petals, where the tree got its distinctive name.

Moreover, the oval or lance-shaped and glossy texture adds to its beauty. They emerge in spring and are the backdrop for the blossoms. Their colors could turn red, orange, or bronze. 

However, the Crepe Myrtle blooming season can vary depending on the climate, local conditions, and the particular species. 

But they will most likely flower in late spring to early summer and throughout the warmer months. They can even extend into early fall. 

Crepe myrtle are also trees that thrive in zones 6 to 9. Their matured size is around 6-25+ ft. tall and  6-20 ft. wide, and they are deer resistant. 

10. Jane Magnolia (Magnolia liliflora ‘Reflorescens’ x stellate ‘Waterlily’)

And we are rounding off this list of trees with large pin flowers with another hybrid magnolia cultivar, infamous for its early spring blooms. 

The flowering season often occurs in early to mid-spring –although it depends on the climate. 

But the blossoms always emerge before the leaves, giving more than enough room for a striking display of color. 

 Magnolia ‘Jane’ flowers are similar to other Magnolia varieties with large and cup-shaped. They come primarily in two shades: pink and purple.

The sweet fragrance also complements their showy appeal. 

Meanwhile, the leaves are also significant but glossy and oval-shaped —and emerge right after the flowers, which add to the tree’s lush foliage. 

Planting a Magnolia ‘Jane’ tree requires the right site selection, soil preparation, root ball care, backfilling, a little mulching, watering, pruning, and maintenance, or else it won’t live to bloom. 


Lastly, you can’t go around eating the flowers. Most of them are toxic and will upset your system or worse. 

Also, you will be surprised when the pink flowering trees turn white as they clock past their prime. 

Sometimes it happens. It means age has finally caught up with them, or it is a mutated tree.

It could be a matter of temperature changes or soil as well. Whatever the case, they are all love blooms that will add a touch of beauty to your yard despite the color. 
