Monstera Leaves Not Splitting (4 Things to Look At!)

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From time to time, people who have household monstera plants start to realize that their monstera plant is not splitting to give it that signature look.

There can be a lot of reasons why it isn’t splitting, and these can be easily fixed, so you should not go straight to throwing it out without knowing if the problem can b fixed.

Sometimes, monstera leaves not splitting could be because it is still very young. Some of these plants usually don’t split when they are smaller, but as time goes on, they begin to form rightly.

But there are other critical reasons why monstera leaves might not be splitting, which we’ll discuss in this article.

Let’s get started!

What Is a Monstera Plant?

Monstera is a type of houseplant that are often gotten from around the tropical rainforests. When left in their natural habitats, monstera plants can be monstrous as they can grow up to 60ft in height, but in homes, they top around 8 ft or thereabout.

Monstera Leaves Not Splitting: Reasons & Solutions

In a few cases, your monstera plants start to appear as if they are not splitting but not to worry, most of the reasons why it behaves like that have a remedy.

Some of the most common reasons include;

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1. The plant age

Sometimes all you need to do is calm down and let nature take its course; your plant needs time and patience to grow. This reason is most common among the younger plants because it might take time to bloom correctly due to their beautiful and heart-like shape.

Also, while waiting for it as it grows, ensure that it is taken proper care of; ensure that your plant gets enough water, food, sunlight, and a bit of fertilizer to help boost its growth. So, if your plant is still very young, I advise that you exercise patience as you wait for it to grow bigger.

2. Fertilizer and watering

These are two of the most common cases among larger plants: improper watering mode and wrong choice of fertilizer. Having the right amount of water and adequate fertilizer is essential for every part, not just the monstera.

Check your monstera plants daily and check if the soil is too wet or too dry. Also, when picking out fertilizers to use, do not just go for anyone; instead, go for the ones compatible with your plant.

3. Inadequate lighting

We all know that sunlight is one of the basic factors required for the proper growth of any plant and also an essential requirement for it to bloom. Although monsters are known to be able to thrive in low light levels, they wouldn’t be providing you with their full potential in this case.

Monstera plants thrives better in indirect and adequate lighting. If you are going to be getting monstera leaves that already have split ends, then you could get away with the minimal lighting because when the light becomes too much, these plants can grow very large to the point where it would seem like it is taking over your home.

For younger monsteras, try turning these plants to face the south or east-facing windows for greater lighting, north-facing windows can also do the job from time to time, but you should be wary of the west-facing windows.

They tend to have the hottest and brightest sunlight, and if your little plants are exposed to such harsh heat, it would be doing more harm than good.

4. Temperature of the leaves

Fluctuation in temperature can lead to a lot of negative impacts on plants, and the inability to split properly is one of them. Monstera plants do well in temperatures between 68-degree F to 86-degree F, and if you live in cold areas, there is a higher possibility that this is the case with your plant.

Although it is very good for them to receive adequate light exposure, too much exposure can also harm them, damaging the leaves along the way.

So, consider your environment too. So, if you do not have a consistent lighting source, you should try moving these plants around to get adequate light from each angle. Doing this might be tricky initially, but with time, you’ll get the hang of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take for Monstera Leaves to Start Splitting?

It takes about two to three years before you notice splits on your monster leaves. Younger leaves that have a solid heart shape, but between the ages of two to three years, they should start developing these characteristic holes. If your leaves are older than three years and there’s still no sign of splitting, you have to check your plant and find out what you’re doing wrongly.

How Long Does It Take for My Monstera Leaves to Unfurl?

It takes about 1-7 weeks for your monstera leaves to unfurl fully. If you have provided your leaves with proper care, do not be surprised if you find your leaves unfurling within just a week, depending on the kind of monstera you would be getting.

How Do I Know If My Monstera Leaves Are Healthy?

To know if your monstera leaves are healthy, they would have a deep green color with waxy leaves; when younger, these leaves tend to be lighter green, so there is no cause for alarm if your younger plants appear lighter green. If your monstera leaves are brown or yellow, they are as good as dead.

How Do I Tell How Old My Monstera Is?

You can be able to tell this through the fenestration. Fenestrations usually inform people that these leaves are grown and matured enough to produce splits. A baby monstera leaves would have a heart shape with no holes, while matured ones are usually from 1-3 years old with holes and fenestrations.

Where Can I Cut My Monstera Plant to Encourage Growth?

If you want to propagate your monstera for vast growth and bigger leaves, you should cut the internode two inches below the node as this would give space for more rooting to be formed. It would be best if you also were careful when cutting below the node to give a section of the stem so the stems and leaves can stop growing.