Is Thyme a Perennial Plant?

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Thyme is a well-known herb with an excellent aroma and clover flavor and is perfect for spicing our dishes.

There are two types of this plant; the ornamental thyme and the culinary thyme varieties that you can use to add a savory flavor to our soups, stews, and vegetables. There are over fifty varieties of thyme with different fragrances and tastes; you can never get tired of cooking with this. But is thyme a perennial plant?

Yes, thyme is a perennial plant with small and fragrant leaves, a thin and woody stem, and an evergreen culinary variety. It is originally from the Mediterranean area, so it is highly resistant to drought and pollinator-friendly.

Is Thyme a Perennial Plant?

Thymes are perennial plants grown in the ground or container with new leaves emerging in the spring. For you to effectively plant your thyme, you should be aware of these facts:

  • Thyme leaves thrive better in sunny areas since they love heat, and if you are planting indoors, you should place your flower pot close to a window
  • You need to drain the soil properly you will be planting on so it doesn’t have “wet feet.” In your garden, you should plant all drought-tolerant plants alongside your perennials
  • Try your best to fertilize your soil with organic matter like compost during early spring; you would not need a lot of ground amending in that case
  • In most cases, you should buy your thyme from little plants rather than seeds because they are not so easy to grow from seeds. Instead, buy from plant centers, and with time and more experience, you might be able to start yours from sources later on
  • It would help if you spaced your thyme plants about 12 to 24 inches apart, depending on the variety you are getting
  • You should use only water sincerely when the plant is dehydrated—other times, water lightly

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How Do I Cultivate My Thyme Plant?

All you would need to cultivate your thyme properly is;

Good Soil

Plant your thyme plants in well-drained soil with a pH between 6.0 and 8.0. in the early spring, you can fertilize with organic matter like compost and might not need too many soil amendments.

Adequate Sunlight

Thyme plants love the sun and need an area with adequate sunlight to grow healthy. If you are planting indoors with flower pots, then you should do that close to the sunny area of the room.


Most varieties of thyme plants are resistant to drought, so you should give them thorough watering when the soil is dried. If you overwater these plants, they might start developing wet roots.

Adequate Spacing

Thyme leaves thrive, so ensure that you space them accurately so they won’t grow and start having their roots intertwined with one another.

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How to Harvest Thyme Plant

All you should know before harvesting your thyme are as follows;

  • Harvest thyme before your harvest their plant flowers by cutting up to the top five to six inches of growth, leaving behind the woody part
  • The best time to harvest your thyme plant is in the morning, just after the dew has dried up. The moisture would have helped you to clean your leaves, so you should not bother washing clean leaves as it might end up washing off some of the essential oils
  • Trim your thyme plants whenever it gets leggy, and you can also store them by freezing; that method works too
  • When your thyme has just been cut fresh, you should store it in the refrigerator, wrapped; it can stay there for about one or two weeks
  • You should not be bothered about the height of your thyme and should keep trimming it because it will keep growing. All you should note is that while trimming it, you should leave it about five inches above the ground so at least it would continue to thrive
  • To dry your thymes, you can hang them in a dark, dry, and well-ventilated area by placing them separately on a tray. After you dry it, it can now be crushed and added to your dishes as a spice; you should expect excellent thyme to retain its flavor for about two years