10 Best Sage Companion Plants

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When it comes to growing healthy plants in your garden, the relevance of companion planting can never be overemphasized. Therefore, if you are looking forward to having a huge harvest this sage season, then you ought not to downplay the importance of companion plants.

Apart from the increase in yields, companion planting also help in pests and disease control. This is why we have carefully outlined, in detail, the best sage companion plants and the different plants you should not plant with sage in your garden.

Below are the best companion plants for sage and why you can grow them alongside your sage plants!

Best Sage Companion Plants

The best sage companion plants for sage include rosemary, brassicas, beans, thyme, carrots, parsley, tomatoes, oregano, nasturtium, and strawberries.

1. Rosemary

Rosemary is a selective herb and does not grow alongside other herbs like companions.

However, despite its selective nature, it is a good pair for sage and both plants produce a scent capable of wadding off pests. In addition, they also add a nice fragrance to your garden.

See Also: Sunshine Ligustrum Companion Plants

2. Brassicas

The cabbage family members like kale, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, and Brussel which are known as brassicas are good sage companion plants.

Sage helps to keep off some pests that attack the cabbage family such as black fleas, cabbage maggot, cabbage loopers, and even cabbage moths.

3. Beans

Beans are good companions to sage plants. Beans have nitrogen fixed in their root noodles, which in turn helps sage plants to grow, taste better, and blossom. However, it is also advisable to avoid planting both plants too close to each other. 

Rather, plant them some reasonable distance apart. This is to help check and eradicate stunted or retarded growth in both plants. 

4. Thyme

Thyme is another good companion plant for sage. The fact that both do well in sandy soil makes their pairing great. However, sage plants are more at the receiving end than thyme. That notwithstanding, both are good to go. 

5. Carrots

Carrots when paired with sage plants produce an odor that serves as a repelling force to some pests that attack plants in the garden. 

Planting the two plants beside each other will enhance the flavor of carrots.

6. Parsley

Parsley is one of the few herbs that are sage companions. With parsley right beside sage, you need not worry about pollination. This is simply because both plants aid in attracting bees, butterflies, and other insects.

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are also good sage companions. Sage has this repelling odor that aids in keeping off pests and worms. Sadly, tomatoes are prone to be attacked by worms. Therefore, with the presence of sage, such an attack is averted.

Moreover, sage helps in pollination. And the combination of both plants can make your tomatoes taste better.

8. Oregano

Plants that can tolerate the same growth conditions are good companions. Considering this, you can plant oregano and sage since both can grow in the same environment.

9. Strawberries

Strawberries fit well with sage plants. Sage plants add to the flavor of strawberries and also help keep off flies and pests like slugs. 

10. Nasturtium

Nasturtium is a colorful flower that helps to deter pests like whiteflies that attack sage. In addition to that, they also beautify your garden as they are ornamental plants. Indeed, nasturtium is a good sage companion.

Here are general reasons why you should pair sage with the above;

  • They provide shade
  • Add nutrients to the soil and also act as covers
  • They enhance growth and taste
  • They aid in good performance and yields

See Also: 17 Best Orange Companion Plants

Plants Not To Plant With Sage

In as much as there are different sage companions, there are plants that you should not plant beside sage plants in the garden if you are aiming for a bountiful harvest. 

These plants and sage are dangerous to themselves, thereby affecting their growth. Keep reading as we outline those plants. 

1. Cucumbers

It’s very wrong to plant cucumbers beside sage plants. This is because sage can cause growth retardation in cucumbers. 

However, if you wish to chase away cucumber beetles and other pests that attack cucumbers then, catnip, chives, radishes, tansy, dill or even nasturtium are good to pair them up. 

2. Rue

Rue is another plant that should not be paired with sage or even cabbages. Sage would cause stunted growth. However, rue plants chase away cucumber beetles and also support the growth of fig trees. 

3. Fennel

Fennel plants can cause plants to reach their flowering stage earlier than usual and also cause retardation to the growth of sage. 

4. Alliums

These plants are not good to pair with sage plants because they have adverse effects on sage plants. This could be associated with the fact that alliums desire moist soil under the sage. 

5. Wormwood

Wormwood and sage are enemies. Do not plant them together. Sage can go with carrots or any of the brassicas but not with wormwood. 

Below are general reasons why you should not pair sage plants with the above plants.

  • They will compete with sage for nutrients and sunlight
  • They may become toxic to your desired plants
  • They could also cause poor growth and harvest

Frequently Asked Questions 

What grows well with sage? 

Sage grows well with fruits and vegetables but hardly with herbs, except for rosemary. Strawberries, tomatoes, parsley, beans, oregano, carrots, and brassicas are good sage companions. 

What’s the best herb to pair with sage? 

Generally, it’s not advisable to plant sage with other herbs. Rather, fruits and vegetables are preferable. However, you can plant sage with rosemary. 

Can Basil be paired with sage? 

No, that’s unwise on the fact that both thrive in different conditions. Instead of pairing them, you can try marigolds. 

Why Is My Sage Not Thriving? 

Your Sage may begin to dye if you pair it with the wrong companions. Also, check if you exposed it to too much water as sage thrives in dry conditions, unlike basil. 

Does sage need sunlight? 

Yes, sage needs sunlight as it blossoms better in dry conditions. 

Is sage a good companion plant? 

Yes, sage is a good companion to fruits and vegetables and rarely to herbs except for rosemary. 

Can Sage Grow Back? 

Yes, sages can self-reproduce, that is, they can grow back on their own since they are perennial plants. But you can plant them by yourself easily. 


Sage plants are good herbs that should not be found missing in your garden. Yes, they serve a lot of purposes to the plants in the garden. 

However, consider companion planting if you want a bountiful harvest and booming garden. 

Sage is a good companion that gives more than it receives. Talk about warding off pests, pollination, and adding flavors? Sage does all of them! And there are good sage companions too. 

Do yourself and garden good by working with the knowledge acquired from this content.