Top 7 Plants Similar To Yucca (With Photos)

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The spiky leaves yucca plants possess provide the environment with a spiky feel. There are several varieties of yucca plants, and you can also find several plants similar to yucca. 

Some of the plants that are similar to yucca tree include the agave plants, dragon tree, New Zealand flax, cabbage tree, etc.

In this article, we will go through these trees to see how they are similar to the yucca plant. 

Plants Similar To Yucca 

Below are some of the popular plants similar to yucca tree; 

1. Agave Plant 

The yucca and agave plants belong to the same family, Agavaceae. These two plants are said to be similar because they both grow a rosette of flowers with long and succulent straps. 

The only major difference between these two plants is that while the agave plant has sharp spikes on its leaf margins, yucca plants do not. The base of the agave plant is thicker than the yucca plant, but both plants can grow very large. 

When the leaves of the agave plant grow, it is straight out of the trunk, but in the case of the yucca plant, it starts to develop a trunk that looks like a tree.

See Also: Is Yucca A Palm Tree?

2. Cabbage Tree 

The cabbage tree, cordyline australis, is a tree that has foliage’s and stems looking like that of the yucca plants. Apart from that, these two trees are distant relatives, which tells a lot about their resemblance. 

The leaf structure of both plants is different, the cabbage trees have plants with long spines growing out in a rosette structure, but in the case of the yucca plant, it starts to develop a tree link trunk structure when it grows older. 

The flowers of the yucca and cabbage trees are similar and white; the only major difference is in their foliage. 

3. Dragon Tree 

The dragon tree, dracaena spp, is very similar to the yucca plant and is often mistaken for each other. These two plants do not come from the same families, but they can be mistaken for the same family. 

The foliage of these plants is very similar because they have strap-like, long, pointy leaves. The only major way you can tell these two trees apart is from their lower leaves. Yucca plants do not drop their leaves.

Instead, you would find these brown and dead leaves still hanging at the bottom of the new ones. 

The dragon tree drops its leaves, and with that, you can be able to differentiate them both. 

4. Sotol 

The sotto plant and the yucca plants are identical and grown in certain regions of us and Mexico. The leaves of the sotol plants are long and strap-like, just like the yucca plant, but unlike the yucca plant, their leaves are thicker and wider. 

Many yucca varieties develop a trunk-like structure, but the sotol plants do not have that structure. The leaves of the sotol plants grow directly from the ground.

5. Red Yucca Plant 

The red yucca plant is a bit similar to the yucca plants, and although they share a name, they do not belong to the same family. The red yucca plant has its genus. The leaves of the red yucca plants are pointy and spiky, the same as some species of yucca plants. 

Many yucca plant varieties are flat, but the red ones are not. The base of these plants is curved and does not develop into a trunk. So, instead, this plant is a stemless yucca plant instead of a tree-like yucca. 

6. Ponytail Palm 

The ponytail yucca plants look a lot like the tree-like yucca species because these plants usually grow from the trunks, not from the grown. Ponytail palms are suitable for houses because they help beautify the environment. 

The leaves of these ponytail palms are long, slim, and strap-like, just like the yucca plants, but the only major difference between these two plants is the nature of the root of some species. 

7. The Bear Grasses

This plant is also referred to as the Solina plant. This plant usually has reddish or bluish foliage and long blade-like leaves, which adds up to its resemblance with the yucca plant.

These plants are mostly used as old pieces as they grow very well on hillsides and are sturdy enough to resist the wind. 

How To Care for Yucca Plants 

There are several ways you can care for yucca plants. Some of these ways include; 

Providing Enough Light 

Yucca plants would do better in sunny areas, and to ensure that they are healthy, you should provide them with a light six hours of daily direct sunlight. If you plant your yucca in a shady area for a long time, ensure that you move them to a sunny place when they wilt. 

The sunniest part of most environments or homes is the path close to the window facing the south. You should place your yucca plant closer to the southern window, especially in winter when the sun is less. 

Do not underwater 

As much as your yucca plant can survive without watering them for a while, underwatering is a mistake that many people make. When your yucca plants start browning, you need to water your plants fast. 

Keep washing your plants enough so they are soaked, but you should also leave a hole at the bottom of your pot, so the water does not become too much and cause root rot. After watering, place them under the soil. 

Do not overwater 

Overwatering is the opposite of underwatering. Overwatering makes the leaves yellow and makes the root rot. Yellowing leaves are a clear sign that your place is getting more water than it needs, and you must reduce the amount of water you apply. 

Although the yucca plant can store enough water, you should never overwater it, so it doesn’t become excess. If you see your plants developing signs of overwatering, replace the soil with well-drained soil. 

After that, leave the plant sunny, so some water dries off. 

Do not apply too many fertilizers

If your yucca plant starts growing abnormally, the leaves are too big compared to the stems, and vice versa. This indicates that you have added too much fertilizer to your plant. 

The best way to fix this issue is to ensure that you only fertilize your plants once during the early spring and winter. In this case, you should wash away as much fertilizer as possible from the soil or even change the soil around your flowering pot. 

You can use a hose and water directly to your soil, but you can also use pots with holes for water to flow freely.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do I Have a Yucca Plant or A Dracaena? 

There is a powerful way you can be able to identify if your plant is a yucca plant or a dracaena. Yucca plants usually have their leaves attached to their stems even when the leaves dry up. 

This is different from the dracaena plants. When the leaves of the dracaena plants dry up, they fall to the ground, giving way for new white flowers and leaves to emerge. With this, you can know if you have a yucca or a dracaena at the end of every season. 

Are Yucca and Cordylines Related? 

The yucca and cordylines are not the same, but they are distant relatives. The cordyline plants also belong to the family Asparagaceae. Due to the striking resemblances between both plants, local farmers usually refer to both of these plants as yuccas. 

What Is the Difference Between a Yucca Plant and A Yucca Tree? 

The yucca plant is referred to as the yucca, while the yucca tree is called the yuca. The major difference between the two is mature of their leaves and how they flower. The yucca is usually a flowering plant, while the yuca is a root vegetable. 

These plants are trees are usually classified as one because the only major difference between both is that one is a plant, and one is a tree. 

How Many Varieties of Yucca Are They? 

There are more than 40 different varieties of yucca plant trees. 

How Poisonous Is the Yucca Plant? 

Yes, some parts of the yucca plant are toxic to humans. That is why it is better to boil your yucca plants before adding them to your stews or soup. It would be best always to boil or cook your yucca plant before consumption.