How Many Solar Panels Do I Need to Power a Refrigerator?

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If you’re prepared to switch to solar energy, there’s a lot of learning. Calculating how much power your solar panels generate compared to how much you need requires some math, but it’s not difficult. But how many solar panels do I need to power a refrigerator?

The necessary output current of your refrigerator will determine this. Still, the ordinary REFRIGERATOR  fridge requires at least two 300-watt solar cells and capacitors to store the said solar energy.

This article will focus on running refrigerators with solar panels, but the estimates would be the same for any home appliance.

Let’s get started!

How Does Refrigerator Solar Power Work?

Solar power is far more complex than most people realize, particularly in a refrigerator setup. Nevertheless, suppose you have a basic understanding of how much energy you need in your refrigerator daily. In that case, you’ll already be on your way to solving solar power in a set–up!

Solar power can only be used in a refrigerator with the conjunction of a set of batteries or two onboard. An inverter and converter are generally required to generate electricity for your machine when using solar power.

Your solar panels charge when you leave your refrigerator’s solar cell boards  in a sunny location. This power is absorbed in your refrigerator battery systems, so having an effective boondocking power supply is often a smart option.

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need to Power a Refrigerator?

Below is how to determine how many solar panels will be needed to power a refrigerator at home:

Ascertain the Wattage of Your Solar Panels

The potential of electric power generated from the solar panels is determined by various factors, such as the panels themselves, your layout, and the climate. The typical household solar panel generates at least 250 watts during peak output.

A solar panel producing 250 watts for four hours per day equals one kWh.

Discern the Wattage of Your Refrigerator

Your refrigerator may have an Energy Efficiency rating label that quantifies the average kWh used per year. If not, consult the reference manual for more info.

Split the yearly consumption by 365 to determine how many kWh your refrigerator uses per day.

Subtract the power used from the power generated.

The rest is simple now since you understand how much power you’re generating and how much power you require. Divide the amount of effort consumed by the energy generated to determine the number of panels necessary.

Types of Refrigerators That Can Use Solar Power

Considering that solar is a unique and modern method of fueling RVs, you may wonder what different kinds of refrigeration systems use solar power. Here is a rundown of some possible alternatives to think about.

12 Volt Refrigerator

One of the most popular refrigerators for use in tandem with a solar panel arrangement is a 12-volt fridge. If you already own a multimeter, you may be acquainted with 12-volt power.

12-volt refrigerators are useful because they can easily operate off the power system, drawing less power from a battery and requiring fewer amps than a conventional 110-volt fridge.

Many people like this lower amperage utilization because fewer solar panels are required overall. This is incredibly beneficial if you own a few high-amperage equipment or devices.

110-volt Refrigerator

Also recognized as multifamily fridges, 110-volt fridges are more widespread these days, provided their commonality and convenience in aspects of their mechanical parts and attributes.

These fridges are frequently located in our residences and can be powered up by plugging them in. You may be wondering how this would operate in an off-grid setting. Your refrigerator will require the installation of a converter. But we’ll get to that later.

A 110-volt refrigerator is usually larger and has a completely separate freezer chamber, making it an ideal appliance for those who are full-timing or organizing a family of five.

How Many Solar Cells Would I Need to Generate Electricity for a Full-Size Refrigerator?

Even though panel yield and refrigerator usage differ, you’ll have to use the computation above to evaluate how many photovoltaic panels you’ll need to generate electricity for a full-sized fridge.

However, you can calculate your kilowatt-hour usage to understand how many solar panels the ordinary refrigerator will require.

Assume your refrigerator consumes 700 kWh annually, or around 1.9 kWh each day. If your solar panels produce a single kWh per day, you’ll need two panels to generate enough solar power for a comprehensive refrigerator.

How Many Solar Panels Are Required to Run a Small Refrigerator?

Refrigerators, solar panels, and solar battery chargers have become more energy-efficient over generations, and you can now use solar energy to power even massive refrigerators.

Isn’t that reasonable?


If you would like to reduce your energy usage further, consider purchasing a small refrigerator that consumes very little power. Because a comparatively tiny, energy-efficient refrigerator consumes far too little energy, the ordinary solar panel would often generate sufficient energy to power it.

However, as with any other equipment, you’ll need to consult your owner’s manual to determine how many kWh your fridge consumes compared to how many watts you get from your solar panels coupled.

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